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Temperature_Foreign OP t1_jdxgkx3 wrote

the problem is that letting a bank fail will lead to everyone rushing to get their money out of banks

this will be a big bank run and cause every bank to fail

And this will cause a huge economic collapse

But hey, maybe pulling the band aid off quickly and suffering a ton in the short term is better than a slow burn


Random_Guy_47 t1_jdxhb8x wrote

That's why I said make the deposits whole. No need to rush to get your money, your money is bailed out.

It's all the rest that is left to fail.


mostlyeve t1_jdxppj2 wrote

What I take away from your words is that the economy is built on a foundation of sand. A house of cards if you will.


TwoBulletSuicide t1_jdzyk4v wrote

Fuck the greedy banksters. Let them jump. They are robbing billions of citizens of their wealth worldwide.