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buffandbrown t1_je6ypf5 wrote

What was the positive catalyst today to push the markets higher? Bulls front running GDP, employment and PCE numbers (again)? Pricing in rate cuts after the fed specifically said "no rate cuts this year"?


DaddyDersch OP t1_je6zggz wrote

Honestly have nothing to warrant the end of melt up


thekittynati t1_je70aoo wrote

I think GDP numbers will come in higher than expected probably leading to a red open. Signs of contraction weren’t really there in Q4 but I’m seeing slow downs everywhere now in Q1.


jamisonf1 t1_je75qj6 wrote

I might be a little stupid but are you saying a higher GDP will cause the market to fall? I thought that would mean good economic progress


Gubbmint t1_je76s1y wrote

Federales dont need economic progress ("growth") they need unemployment to go up and inflation to go down.


jamisonf1 t1_je771sa wrote

Okay that makes sense thank you. Hopefully some people got fired and are camping behind their local Wendy’s


Gubbmint t1_je77el8 wrote

Faaaaaaaaaaak aghhhhhhhh

^^JPow when he hears about recently unemployed people giving beejs behind Wendy's dumpster to make ends meet.


jamisonf1 t1_je77jsy wrote

I’ll do my part if it means a good red day tomorrow 🫡


buffandbrown t1_je72t9l wrote

Agree. Until economy consistently slows down, rates are going to stay higher. Feds have mentioned over and over again about no rate cuts this year, yet here we are.