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VisualMod t1_je8d5ty wrote

>That is a very bold prediction! I will be sure to keep an eye on the markets to see if your predictions come true.


charly371 t1_je8eviv wrote

2 more weeks. Will watch the movie they will make from your gain. The big short 2


Grimsage777 t1_je8fezy wrote

Can't wait to see you get hit by truck-kun


Grouchy_Employee6415 t1_je8fmr1 wrote

Then when all of this happens you finally catch a break and make a quick buck. Finally a millionaire, only to find out the value of the usd has dropped and you find out you have the same net worth as you did before.


wallstreetbets-ModTeam t1_je8hjc4 wrote

Thanks for your submission!

We love new and original content here on WSB.

We have no tolerance for basic templated memes, reposts from the front page, or boomer memes.

Yes, this can be a little subjective at times, but we want to show you the best WSB has to offer!

If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to modmail and we'll give you some pointers!

A few tips though!

  • Don't just submit a chart of the current price. Come on. Google only costs $5 per search. (wait, you guys are searching for free?)

  • Reaction gifs are fucking lame. Put that shit in a comment, no one wants to look at your face in real life anyways so why are you making a thread about it.

  • Don't repost stuff. All of us are terminally online, how dare you try and make us laugh with an image posted somewhere else. Jokes aside, we don't want to beat a joke to death, so give us some fresh OC and we'll be a lot cheerier.


wormtheology t1_je8hk39 wrote

The market will crash well before the US Dollar will. I think our grift of trading paper for goods will last far longer than you think, OP. Your timeline has to literally be 5-10 years out to see something catastrophic happening to the dollar and DAQ simultaneously.


Dan_inKuwait t1_je8hmmm wrote

If only there was a place where you could make a bet on the Nasdaq crashing,.and then share that bet with a bunch of like-minded individuals.

Have you tried using a Sharpie to scrawl your opinion on truckstop bathroom walls?


Middle_Name-Danger t1_je8i2ib wrote

The utility value of crypto is in money laundering and transferring wealth from one currency to a more desirable currency. The more significant influence on value is speculation.

The bitcoin bubble may never truly pop.

There are definitely some forex arbitrage opportunities in crypto exchanges. Who is best capitalizing on those?

I’m more interested in hearing George Soros’ opinion of bitcoin than Warren Buffett’s. Maybe they’re both too old though. Who is the contemporary Soros? Down the rabbit hole I go…


bradyo164 t1_je8j0cn wrote

Ur dumb asl so is the whole market and I said hold for a decade u gotta play the cycles unless ur that small minded. Bitcoin is gold but better because it gets twice as hard to mine every 4 years. When bitcoins reaches 150k in 3 years after the halving you’ll feel stupid af. U probably have ur money sitting in a “high interest” savings account or something. Inflation’s feelin pretty nice isn’t it🤣