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jodddranken t1_jeda7kx wrote

Holy cow that article is just some kid that thought CRE = office buildings. Horrible takes


Cutlercares t1_jeddita wrote

Not just the CEO. Multiple company officers sold all their stake and bounced.

You have it wrong. This thing is going to zero, or more likely bought out. The bounce is temporary, but lucrative if you bought calls before close (which I did).


Lontoron t1_jededsa wrote

A bank with increasing deposits and stable loans is going to zero? Okay buddy.

He updated that he was wrong himself. Look at an actual source not a single inaccurate day of webull you child.


Cutlercares t1_jedf0eq wrote

The whole take might be wrong, but that's why you straddle with high volatility.

I'm sure more research will come to light tomorrow and a clear view of the bank's situation will emerge.

For now, I think going with "where there's smoke, there's fire" is the right call.

FYI: I never saw the article. Several posts with the bank's balance sheet were made in other subs I follow.