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Mega-Lithium OP t1_jdhgf7a wrote

Reply to comment by tslGUH in Fed Balance Sheet by Mega-Lithium

Yes, around 2.6 Trlllion of it

Remember that the entire QE thing was supposed to be a very short term emergency fix back in 2010.

Ben Bernanke then Janet Yellen and now Jerome Powell have kept this thing going.

And, I interestingly, the GSEs (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) have been in “conservatorship” for 14 years!!! When do they just call that a nationalization?

They pumped liquidity into the economy and Blackstone private equity swallowed up all the houses.


So we are a nation of “have nots” and renters


nasty_nater t1_jdhlsmv wrote

Literally just watched the HBO movie Too Big To Fail.

Wonder if the producers knew they would just continue doing this shit more than 10 years later…


Mega-Lithium OP t1_jdhp6ll wrote

Watch list:

The Big Short Too Big To Fail FRONTLINE- The age of easy money