Submitted by a_simple_ham t3_1203ni4 in wallstreetbets

Rate Hikes? Bullish & Priced In.

Tech layoffs? Bullish & Priced In.

Credit Debt Maxing? Bullish & Priced In.

Real Estate Decline? Bullish & Priced In.

Car Repo's Going Parabolic? Bullish & Priced In.

Lowest American Saving Rate Since Measured? Bullish & Priced In.

Sticky Inflation? Bullish & Priced In.

Home Price to Median Income Ratio making homes the least affordable they've been in 100 years? Bullish & Priced In.

Energy Crisis? Bullish & Priced In.

Bank run? Bullish & Priced In.

What does it actually take to cause the market to go down at this point?!

I swear to god nuclear war in Ukraine could start and the market would be like "omg super bullish, calls on uranium mining. Invest in big wheat as we'll need to export more since the last wheat producers are radioactive rn! SPY 500 EOM!"



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