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VisualMod t1_iug0una wrote

>Interesting. I will keep an eye on these stocks.


Historical_Soil7055 t1_iug3q58 wrote

I hope Sofi runs. I hold lots of upst calls expiring this week. This is my last chance to be saved


jericho-dingle t1_iug3zf8 wrote

Can't wait for sofi to post a profit and watch the stock get shorted into oblivion.


Fast_Championship_R t1_iug443h wrote

Sofi will beat earnings and Revenue and provide updates guidance based on the student loan changes.

The guidance is where I think it could go either way.


Kooky-Citron-4537 t1_iug86h0 wrote

SOFI is my biggest loser, honestly I enjoy paying employee salary like a good cuck


vegastrashy t1_iugaq3z wrote

My bags are huge. I’d make some money with 10, but only because I’ve been holding and fighting back for months with ccalls.


mtbdork t1_iugdj9s wrote

I’m excited for FUBO.


Dimvo7 t1_iugg55j wrote

PUTS on Peleton. Did they really think everyone was gonna be locked up running imaginary miles all day long?


cricket_observer t1_iughysc wrote

My $SOFI bags are heavy. I like and use their products but no profitability in sight and they spend like trash athletes.

I was completely regarded


zzerdzz t1_iugiwia wrote

Well yeah, it’s down 91% on the year, so the market agrees. The question is how much lower? I feel like expectations were so low they just can lower capex to stop the bleeding, at least for this quarter.


AJDillonsMiddleLeg t1_iugoo5a wrote

BP and SBUX will be the only positive earnings reports on this list.


FireWoIf t1_iugvjgq wrote

It will beat by 80% and still go down because I have calls


hkgj t1_iuh5rzs wrote

Calls on Bp a good idea ?