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KingN0 OP t1_iuawxi9 wrote

Everyone and their mom was buying Apple puts Thursday. I’m part of the 10% of retail traders that are profitable. All I’m trying to say is it’s a tricky market to trade. I think everyone can agree on that.


nvanderw t1_iubf5uw wrote

You are just a bad trader. That is all. We have all been there.


neothedreamer t1_iuc47zh wrote

Aapl's numbers were at expectations which given the market is actually good. They also raised prices for their services and have maintained their Pro models are selling well.

Aapl is #1 in the S&P and Nasdaq. Also huge holding for Berkshire. If you don't think all of this creates a constant buying pressure for Aapl you are crazy. 7 to 8% of every dollar going into 401k is going to Aapl.

Everyone still has full confidence in them. Meta was destroyed because of loss of confidence.

Sometimes if too many people think it is going a certain way it doesn't. Think of how much money was made by Puts sellers, there was an incentive to prop it up.


Invest0rnoob1 t1_iuclz5t wrote

Meta was destroyed because the metaverse or at least their version is a joke.