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Phish100 t1_iuaf7jy wrote

I was keeping it open to use their platform, thinkorswim has the best charting out there which is why I chose them in the first place to switch to


pearlescentVidrio t1_iuafdkd wrote

You kept it open to launder more money.


Phish100 t1_iuagnqf wrote

Nope, got money from employment, then made a shit ton off Bed Bath and Beyond short squeeze in a Robinhood account, tried to move it to a TD Ameritrade account and then moved it back to Robinhood after finding out I couldn’t trade options on TD


pearlescentVidrio t1_iuah0je wrote

Prove it. That’s your burden. That’s how AML compliance works.


Phish100 t1_iuahicc wrote

Prove it to who? TD has only sent me this along with other standard monthly statements about my account. They have not directed me anywhere nor has their customer support