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undercoverconsultant t1_iuceasj wrote

Reply to comment by attofreak in Anybody shorting the market by nvk1196

The term is used in regards of Information or conclusions to indicate that the market is already aware of this and is considering this in price finding process.


attofreak t1_iucew07 wrote

Throwing the word "information" around does not mean you explained anything. Everything is information. It's one of those, "nothing" answers.

Question is specifically what process/model/metric/method/even theory (if one can aim that high) is used to state with a quantifiable probability, that this or that piece of news/"information" is "priced in"?


blutch14 t1_iucyui3 wrote

I mean it's just a case of action and consequence right. When something happens and the market fails to react in the direction it should you could argue that the news is priced in, which makes sense because the market would otherwise be easy to predict. You can't really prove any of it, but when the supercomputer algos decide not to react the moment something occurs i suppose they believe the market is already at fair value.


Puzzleheaded_Friend8 t1_iud3973 wrote

People who thinks it’s one big conspiracy just don’t have a clue what they are doing. It’s priced in and the market looks ahead over a number of years. So doom and gloom based upon on something limited like a war that has caused inflation isn’t going to go on forever. The market has an idea that it will end one way or another next year. And then things thrive.


DoomerGloomerBloomer t1_iuem931 wrote

How about you try googling it instead of arguing with the person who answered your question?

There is no quantifiable reason behind it. Fucking google it, noob, and learn what the efficient market hypothesis is while you're at it.

None of this means the market machinations are accurate or make any sense - they don't - but at least you'll understand why they are all efficiently fucked up.


attofreak t1_iueobec wrote

> How about you try googling it

> None of this means the market machinations are accurate or make any sense

lol, that's how I know when I am talking to a moron. EMH is known to be quantifiably false since at least 1960s. "GoOgLe It", dipshit.

> why they are all efficiently fucked up.

keep screeching "efficiency" a couple of more times, maybe you'll convince yourself you understand what it means. Now go shove your head back up your own ass.


DoomerGloomerBloomer t1_iuev27i wrote

LOL what an insufferable asshole. You probably think you're a lot smarter thsn you actually are.

EMH is not "quantifiably false". You like saying "quantifiable" a lot, yet you don't know what that even means.

Since you are easily confused by EMH and the saying, "it's priced in", I know I'm wasting time with the likes of you.

Rest assured, the markets are extremely efficient. You don't have to like it, but the preponderance of the evidence is clear: information, whether factually accurate or not, is used by market participants when trading securities.

Again, that fact seems to simultaneously confuse and trigger you, but your feelings are irrelevant to the facts.

Now, go back to your room and wallow in your own misery. Bitch.