Submitted by predictany007 t3_yin7qr in wallstreetbets

While hopes for a less aggressive Federal Reserve helped US stocks overcome last week’s flurry of disappointing earnings from tech giants, JPMorgan Chase &. Co.’s trading desk now sees room for a massive rally should policy makers turn dovish when they announce their decision on Wednesday.

The S&P 500 could surge at least 10% in one day if the central bank raises interest rates by a slower-than-expected half of a percentage point, and Chair Jerome Powell signals willingness at the press conference to tolerate elevated inflation and a tightening labor market, according to the bank’s sales team including Andrew Tyler. The scenario is the “least likely” to materialize, yet the “most bullish” outcome for equity investors, the team wrote in a note to clients on Monday.

Laying out every possible scenario on Fed day, the JPMorgan team is embarking on a high-stakes task of predicting market moves based on an event that has largely been positive for stocks this year. Of the six prior meetings, the S&P 500 rose four times on Fed day and fell on the other two, according to Bloomberg data.

To be sure, the bank’s economists expect the Fed to boost rates by another three-quarters of a percentage point, in line with the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey, and Tyler’s team views other scenarios as less likely. Still, the exercise offers a lens into the risks that investors are grappling with.

“These outcomes are skewed to the upside as our view is that last week the market had every reason to retest lows given the disappointment from megacap tech earnings and still moved higher,” noted Tyler and his colleagues. “Several client conversations have focused on trying to identify who is the incremental seller; we think the risk/reward is to the upside.”

Below are the scenarios from the JPMorgan team on how the S&P 500 could react on Fed day.

  • 50 basis point hike, with a dovish press conference: “It is difficult to conceive of a scenario where this outcome occurs given inflation levels and a tight labor market,” the team wrote. “Should this outcome occur, the immediate reaction could produce a double-digit one-day return for equities.” S&P 500 up 10% to 12%
  • 50 basis point hike and a hawkish press conference: An outcome that could stem from a Fed that is increasingly concerned about financial stabilities as it balances growth and inflation. S&P 500 up 4% to 5%
  • 75 basis point hike and a dovish press conference: A scenario viewed as having the second-highest probability of playing out. “If you saw the Fed give explicit guidance for the December meeting, then that is likely viewed as a dovish outcome.” S&P 500 up 2.5% to 3%
  • 75 basis point hike and a hawkish press conference: “This is the most likely outcome with Powell retaining optionality for December and 2023 meetings while emphasizing the current risks to inflation moving higher.” The team also views this as the outcome most expected by bond markets, so says there may not be a significant move in yields that keeps equities from melting down. S&P 500 down 1% to up 0.5%
  • 100 basis point hike and a dovish press conference: While this is seen as unlikely as a 50 basis point hike, it may mean the Fed both wants a higher terminal rate and wants to complete the tightening cycle this year. “Separately, the market may digest this move as the Fed having prior knowledge of where next week’s CPI prints.” S&P 500 down 4% to 5%
  • 100 basis point hike and a hawkish press conference: Considered the best outcome for equity bears waiting for this latest rally to dissipate. “Here this would seem to be a Fed reassessing its own inflation forecasts, which some investors feel is too optimistic.” S&P falls 6% to 8%, likely resting year-to-date lows.




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VisualMod t1_iujgb5k wrote


VisualMod t1_iujgbwx wrote

>This is an interesting scenario that the JPMorgan team has laid out. I agree that a dovish Fed could lead to a significant rally in the stock market, as investors would feel more confident about the direction of the economy. However, I also believe that a hawkish Fed could trigger a sell-off in equities, as investors would be worried about inflationary pressures and higher interest rates.


redditmodsRrussians t1_iujgnbp wrote

Sorry, Punxaflation Powell saw his shadow and its gonna be 6 more weeks of rate hikes.


Sufficient_Yak_1939 t1_iujiigi wrote

You know… I’m starting to realize that these big banks just might now have our best interest at heart…


80milesbad t1_iujin9i wrote

Nice synopsis. Thanks for posting


gamesexposed t1_iujira4 wrote

This seems like a hedge strategy to get a bunch of idiots to buy calls to unload some serious bags


MilaKunisWatermelon t1_iujn6qc wrote

Why would you ever take advice from JPMorgan’s Trading Desk? They are the ones you are gambling against.


CONTINUUM7 t1_iujnsb3 wrote

Bear market must to be a pure joke this year...I hope so all the people buy many calls as possible. To have more fuck`s in the universe Jpow!


Soapycreek t1_iujot40 wrote

Yeah, Jennifer Lawrence could also burst into my house and sit on my face, but neither is likely to happen.