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0x11C3P t1_iu1jzyi wrote

He's already backtracked saying he's not firing like he said he would.


iluvvivapuffs t1_iu1k8li wrote

It’s be really funny if he lays off 74% instead 😂 technically he didn’t lie


0x11C3P t1_iu1km0k wrote

He just says whatever he wants when it's convenient for him. He's been trying to back out. Didn't work. Now has to backtrack like he during this entire deal.


MyPeePeeReversed t1_iu1mjxg wrote

So you don't say what you want when it's convenient for you?

Everyone says what they want when it's convenient


Adm_Kunkka t1_iu2u7mu wrote

You're a sad sack of a human being if you think that's the norm


Theta_Ome t1_iu2epcs wrote

More likely, 80%


ksatriamelayu t1_iu2mwx6 wrote

how about 90%?


A1exandre t1_iu2q9yw wrote

100% and he codes the fixes by himself.


jugjiggler69 t1_iu4wse8 wrote

If Elon doesn't make this claim in the next 5 years Ill eat my hat.

"I remember when I first bought Twitter and we fired everyone.. and i was going to the office coding the fixes by myself.."


Theta_Ome t1_iu525n6 wrote

man, do you remember seeing images of him in interviews back before tesla was really doing anything? Like a zombie. I remember him saying it cost him his health, etc.

Addiction like that can kill.
I laugh but at the same time...dang it if he might try.


pasta4u t1_iu2m7x2 wrote

He will hope people leave so he doesn't have to pay them. He will then move to those who he is able to fire without fear of lawsuits. Then he will start with lay offs. Give it like 6 months


DemocracyIsAVerb t1_iu5a080 wrote

He’s realizing that his very impulsive and very divorced-guy decisions recently were very self-destructive and irrational.


Parabellim t1_iu1k14m wrote

I’m legitimately curious to see what becomes of Twitter after this. Will it become a lightly moderated platform like the original Reddit? Will it become a flaming dumpster fire? Will most Twitter employees join us behind the Wendy’s dumpster? Only time will tell.


gridflash t1_iu1m78z wrote

I think TWTR employees are lining up behind Google's dumpsters...


FloridaBoyyyyy t1_iu3m2ky wrote

That's definitely going to start a turf war with the Wendy's gang down the street.


NightFire45 t1_iu1qa6j wrote

If Twitter becomes lightly moderated then it'll devolve into a dumpster fire.


bored_in_NE t1_iu1yntq wrote

It will be beautiful to see both left and right wing lunatics crying.


bored_in_NE t1_iu1yg8s wrote

Twitter app is not rocket science and talented team of 2,500 people can run the company with no issues.


2dank4normies t1_iu442lj wrote

Are there platforms in comparable size to Twitter with that number of employees? Twitter is more than an app.


Theta_Ome t1_iu2fdo8 wrote

I don't care about the employees. I want to know the journey of the Twitter sink. Like, is it where he set it down? Did someone take it away? Is someone following him, carrying it for Elon? Or did he get a little wagon for it? Is it in the corner of his new office, uninstalled? Or did he have it installed and replaced a different sink? This is what I really care about.


Theta_Ome t1_iu2f2v9 wrote

CEO went first. I'm still wondering where that sink is tho...


misspellted t1_iu2vs99 wrote

"Mr. Musk, I hear the CEO position is open. I hereby tender this hastily drawn-in-crayon resume... or is it.. CV.. I don't know.. but for your consideration. Thanks!"


Beltahloadah t1_iu2dq6x wrote

I think it’s time for all the billionaires to have a huddle, maybe go to a TP somewhere and do some mescaline. Those motherfuckers are fucking it up. Harken back to the days when we had billionaires that we’re fucking cool. Today’s batch are the largest bunch of tools to have ever existed. No fucking large orgies open to the public. No large drug benders. No lobbying for legalize drugs. No lobbying for legalize prostitution. Just a bunch of fucking penises walking around with tiny dicks. Totally unbelievable


Playful_Direction989 t1_iu28xk9 wrote

TWTR will be a open forum as it should be. If your feelings are easily hurt by someone else’s speech your life is about to get a lot harder. Adapt or perish and that’s how this shit works!


YoungAL123 t1_iu21vyu wrote

That’s cold img twitter employees got families to feed lol just saying


FloridaBoyyyyy t1_iu3mb5g wrote

They've been making a lot of money though. They should have a good amount in their savings account.


KpStonks t1_iu5ww74 wrote

I too would be gutted if I was paid out $60M to be unemployed 🤦🏾‍♂️


HezronCarver t1_iu3e0rd wrote

Still don't get his angle buying Twitter. Bored and wants more attention? Hell, he's been burnt so badly by AOC I'm surprised he hasn't gone dark.
