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Superb-Ad3945 t1_iufhh9h wrote

I think your correct. But the recession might need to be deep or perhaps double dip to properly kill the inflation. Also I have to actually cause a recession. Something that the media is speculation a early pivot. This will be a game of chicken it seems perhaps it is a impossible game to win without beefing it


Evn-erl t1_iufhylg wrote

“Double dip” doesn’t make any sense…but yeah no one can see what will cause it rn.


Superb-Ad3945 t1_iufimwj wrote

Double dip is when the fed pivots too early. They try to anticipate the neutral rate as their tools have long lags. Then they have to pivot back to put the economy in a second more powerful recession than the first . Same is true of the fed doesn’t get a handle of the inflation in the near term. The depth of the recession will be amplified the higher inflation goes