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ResponsiblePumpkin60 t1_iu4y7w9 wrote

Have a look at the diesel and heating oil shortage. What will that do to cause more inflation? How about the strong GDP report? How about housing prices and rent staying high? Unemployment staying low? There are a lot of signals flashing green for the fed to continue to tighten. Even when they’re done, do you think they will immediately flood the market with easy money again? I just read that 50% of Americans have cut retirement contributions because of inflation. The market is facing every imaginable headwind at the moment, but rallying anyway. It’s fake.


agilmore1080 OP t1_iu5degv wrote

Today's market move has just got to be algorithms. There is no way the earnings this week with the previous Fed statements warrant a +2% move in the S&P and Nasdaq. If it continues until the FOMC announcement next week they may jump to a 100 and telegraph another 100 in December.