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scary_bug3 t1_iuhi2rc wrote

Indian market is overvalued and sought a correction due to covid. Even if lockdown didn't happen, the big fall was inevitable either ways. Even at this levels considering all the data Indian market still follows US market and easily predictable. All said the next year is gonna be China's undervalued market.


Old_Constant_1377 t1_iuhl7ds wrote

I think you need to check the charts. As compared to the usa markets, Indian stocks have barely corrected this year.


scary_bug3 t1_iui0xoq wrote

Charts always draw insights in an ideal form but dynamical events like CPI data, GDP growth rate, FED policy shouldn't be neglected and yes Indian market yet to be corrected in comparison with US but some good news like Inflation reduction and Manufacture sector growth Y-Y can force index to soar.


datastoner OP t1_iuhizpk wrote

so China's market going to be unpredictable and will be potential opportunity for large investors ?


scary_bug3 t1_iuhjfj2 wrote

Unpredictable here means that it doesn't follow US market which is not the case with the Indian market. Also it's just an opinion. We surely can never say anything.