Submitted by datastoner t3_yi80h4 in wallstreetbets

The Indian economy is outperforming others in this period. The GDP data are decent figures. What do you think about the investments in the country by US investment. Like will the index of Indian markets will act somewhat independently and they'll start moving differently than the mother market USA? Is India going to be a good bet?



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VisualMod t1_iuhebp2 wrote

>India is a good bet for investment. The country has strong economic growth and low inflation. Additionally, the Indian stock market is relatively undervalued compared to other markets.


scary_bug3 t1_iuhi2rc wrote

Indian market is overvalued and sought a correction due to covid. Even if lockdown didn't happen, the big fall was inevitable either ways. Even at this levels considering all the data Indian market still follows US market and easily predictable. All said the next year is gonna be China's undervalued market.


Old_Constant_1377 t1_iuhl7ds wrote

I think you need to check the charts. As compared to the usa markets, Indian stocks have barely corrected this year.


scary_bug3 t1_iui0xoq wrote

Charts always draw insights in an ideal form but dynamical events like CPI data, GDP growth rate, FED policy shouldn't be neglected and yes Indian market yet to be corrected in comparison with US but some good news like Inflation reduction and Manufacture sector growth Y-Y can force index to soar.


datastoner OP t1_iuhizpk wrote

so China's market going to be unpredictable and will be potential opportunity for large investors ?


scary_bug3 t1_iuhjfj2 wrote

Unpredictable here means that it doesn't follow US market which is not the case with the Indian market. Also it's just an opinion. We surely can never say anything.


GandaKutta t1_iuhhtl0 wrote

I have moved 10% of my savings to India. Even a bank Fixed Deposit can net you around 7-8% return each year.

For the long term stocks are a good bet. One of the reason I believe is that the western hegemony is going through turbulent phase and this is helping India (but not other developing countries) primarily because its trading with both US and Russia.

tldr: india is a very good bet and I expect them to over perform in the next few decades

Edit: changed each month to each year.


MyPeePeeReversed t1_iuhjd8f wrote

Each month? You have to think why they are offering so much, probably nothing its completely safe.


sh1tler t1_iuhkct2 wrote

Their currency depreciates almost 10% a year vs the dollar lmao this guy has signed up to hold fat bags


[deleted] t1_iuhlfc7 wrote



sh1tler t1_iuhm2v7 wrote

This year, look at the long term trends on the rupee looks ugly af, rather buy US treasuries and lock in 4% than gamble on an emerging market especially if you’re earning in dollars


GandaKutta t1_iujc5nw wrote

I should have put a disclaimer on that. You are right the INR has depreciated (although less than other currencies).

I have long term vision in India for 20+ years and I think they will come out on top in spite of their shite PM.

There is a saying "China progresses because of it's politicians, India progresses despite of it's politicians"

Also I have a strong feeling USD is going to crash in 4-5 years. Most countries are slowly getting rid of USD


fortinvestech t1_iujt233 wrote

As long as the interest rate differential remain in place, the currency will depreciate. It might not depreciate for a year and then suddenly cover up.


datastoner OP t1_iuhjmnj wrote

Indian Savings provide yearly not monthly I believe and these have been safe and favourite choice of Indians.


GandaKutta t1_iujc97j wrote

yes I mistyped "yearly for monthly". rookie mistake.


fortinvestech t1_iujsr24 wrote

EM's usually perform better. India is a very different market.

There are 2 main political parties and the assets they pump when in power:

1- BJP - Stocks

2- Congress - Real Estate

Right now BJP is in power with no sign of Congress revival so stocks are doing well. Study ADANI group of stocks and let your mind be blown.


bricengreen t1_iuhka68 wrote

How are toilet paper futures looking over there?


[deleted] t1_iuhlivl wrote



Popular-Pollution-29 t1_iuhmnwe wrote

And they'll still be poor as can be.


[deleted] t1_iuhnbde wrote



Popular-Pollution-29 t1_iuhrcpe wrote

Their government will pass a law after a US company buys out a Indian company just to make that investment worthless. They do this all the time to keep US tech and retail companies out.

Their middle class can grow but I fear at the cost of corporate profits.


[deleted] t1_iuhside wrote



Popular-Pollution-29 t1_iuhw2r9 wrote

Walmart and Amazon didn't have a chance when they invested in Indian. Look into when WMT bought out flipkart. Then the Indian government passed a law to pretty much handicap Walmart and Amazon.

India is what brought down Enron, their loss in India is what they were hiding off their books.

To me any large company, specially non Indian company will have a hard time doing business in India. The Indian government doesn't like change, they fear anything that may cause social economical disruption.


krishone t1_iuhy1zv wrote

Real estate is good investment in India.. Raid growth