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tinnylemur189 t1_iuafik8 wrote

Russia won't last years. They're 8 months into this catastrophe and their economy is collapsing, their only profitable export markets are dead, they're incapable of making new military equipment so they're refurbishing t-62s and they're conscripting drunks and old men due to low morale and high abandonment.

I would be absolutely amazed if this war made it past next summer.


True-Musician-5406 t1_iuaqa8c wrote



Blitted_Master t1_iuayg0k wrote

They’re goofy ideologues devoid of honesty and guided by feels. Don’t mind them. Obviously Russia won’t collapse from this minor war. I’d bet my house on it.


FewTemperature2465 t1_iub1x06 wrote

It’s not a minor war, it’s a special military operation.

Sarcasm mode off.

Russia is fucked. It’s a technical term where you let a small old man run your country into the ground through corruption.

Then watch him pick a proxy war with both the EU the UK and the USA to distract the Russian population.

It always ends in tears. Let hope it’s not everyone on the planet crying when the smoke clears.


Blitted_Master t1_iub3zc2 wrote

Russia won’t collapse from this war with the Ukraine. Put your house on it lol