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clegger29 t1_iu9iqmi wrote

The way their ships are sinking idk they can enforce a blockade


milesthegreat2020 t1_iubj12u wrote

They can just hit the port it's being shipped out of with a cruise missiles etc. Russia will be hesitant to risk losing more ships to anti ship missiles and drones, that's true.


clegger29 t1_iuboor9 wrote

They’d have avoid the temptations of hitting the crucial childrens hospitals. An idk Russia is capable of hitting military targets


GnarwhalStreet t1_iu9hxl9 wrote

Ornamental gourd sympathy play right here.


8bitjob t1_iu9qbm5 wrote

We see the future under Putin if he takes Ukraine. Obey or I cut off your wheaties.


ceconk t1_iu9r0lq wrote

This is more about fucking up the US and EU i think, he's trying to force inflation to go higher.


Grudens_Emails t1_iua5z7r wrote

We don’t really rely on Russia for wheat


unlock0 t1_iuaqbmc wrote

Ukraine makes a large portion of the world's wheat.. its their flag.

>According to the European Commission, Ukraine accounts for 10% of the world wheat market, 15% of the corn market, and 13% of the barley market. With more than 50% of world trade, it is also the main player on the sunflower oil market.Jul 27, 2022


Moon_Goon_90 t1_iubzzhe wrote

100% this. Europe can't sustain the war effort if their people are bleeding out. Winter riots Incoming....


Interesting_Ad1006 t1_iua6jji wrote

So you are telling me something serious happened which will cause rally on wheat futures ? Knowing how market behaves recently I should probably go short on wheat…


tinnylemur189 t1_iuaequq wrote

Priced in.

Everyone with a brain knew russia only went through with that deal so they'd have it's shutdown to use as leverage. They were always going to shut it down, it was just a matter of when.


Iceboerg420 t1_iuc6or7 wrote

It isn't why should zhe price drop so significantly when the contract was signed and the prices stayed low for the time


unlock0 t1_iuaq003 wrote

Iirc they were stealing grain at the docks.


mark2talyho t1_iuafe87 wrote

Once again I was 3 months too early on this trade. img


amusedtodeath847 t1_iuajhar wrote

This gets me rock hard, got 45,000 bushel to sell


Time-Caterpillar4103 t1_iuar3aw wrote

They shipped hardly anything. The breadbasket is gone until the war ends.


DDanny808 t1_iubfy8g wrote

Doesn’t Ukraine export something like 90% of the worlds NEON?


Original_Potato3023 t1_iuajygx wrote

Needing Simpleton 10 steps book, required to play. 13k sitting for an opportunity who sank my battleship i.e won't be beneficial to freight


HAWKSFAN628 t1_iuakkt0 wrote

PLUS poor winter crop conditions in USA. very dry soil. not good.


Got_banned_on_main t1_iug8i3s wrote

Eh. Not sure where you're hearing that. Bushel per acre is pretty good this year here in the Midwest according to the farmers I've talked to.


Captobvious75 t1_iuaoukz wrote

Central banks: raise interests even higher!


contrarianmonkey t1_iucourm wrote

they already jumped by the time you saw the news. After it's public knowledge it's priced in fast and you can't profit from it


Extremely-Bad-Idea t1_iu9xkfo wrote

Global energy and food prices will remain very high until the Ukraine War ends. Unfortunately, since America and Europe are funding the war and seem eager for it to continue, the war will probably continue for many years.

In addition to energy and food, you might also keep an eye on fertilizer prices, as those also have gone up dramatically and are in short supply since the war started.


tinnylemur189 t1_iuafik8 wrote

Russia won't last years. They're 8 months into this catastrophe and their economy is collapsing, their only profitable export markets are dead, they're incapable of making new military equipment so they're refurbishing t-62s and they're conscripting drunks and old men due to low morale and high abandonment.

I would be absolutely amazed if this war made it past next summer.


True-Musician-5406 t1_iuaqa8c wrote



Blitted_Master t1_iuayg0k wrote

They’re goofy ideologues devoid of honesty and guided by feels. Don’t mind them. Obviously Russia won’t collapse from this minor war. I’d bet my house on it.


FewTemperature2465 t1_iub1x06 wrote

It’s not a minor war, it’s a special military operation.

Sarcasm mode off.

Russia is fucked. It’s a technical term where you let a small old man run your country into the ground through corruption.

Then watch him pick a proxy war with both the EU the UK and the USA to distract the Russian population.

It always ends in tears. Let hope it’s not everyone on the planet crying when the smoke clears.


Blitted_Master t1_iub3zc2 wrote

Russia won’t collapse from this war with the Ukraine. Put your house on it lol


renz004 t1_iuaoedk wrote

Fortunately*, you mean.

The world will be a better place in the long run once Russia collapses. A worthy investment.


Extremely-Bad-Idea t1_iuc5m98 wrote

Russia is not going anywhere. To imagine otherwise is wishful thinking. WSB is about making money and that requires dealing with reality, not imaginary victories over Russia. The Russian Bear defeated Hitler and Napoleon, so I don't think Ukraine is going to be its downfall. LOL

Ever since the Ukraine war started, Western governments and media have been claiming that Russia is "on the verge of collapse" or "about to have a revolution that overthrows Putin". Of course none of that has happened. Instead, Russia's ruble is the strongest performing European currency this year. The ruble is up 12% over last year. Russia has redirected its energy exports to China, India, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, thereby negating the impact of losing its former European customers.

From an investment standpoint, traders need to acknowledge that Russia is the world's most resource rich nation, is a military super-power, and knows how to defend its economic self-interest. Swapping anti-Russia political sentiments for the hard facts of Russia's economic reality is a sure way to lose money.


renz004 t1_iudaewu wrote

Lmaaaaooo I hope you really dont believe what you wrote.

-Russia in less than 1 year has already lost more than Americans lost in10 years throughout the Vietnam war. They are losing and losing bad. Their military is a joke from all the embezzlement and corruption over the years, and it's in full display with all their soviet era tech.

-If Russia was so resource rich, they wouldnt be acting like Orc invaders trying to steal land for resources. Hell they wouldnt be constantly pillaging washing machines to bring back to base for their chips.

-the Ruble is being propped up. If you believe it's strong in reality despite the entire world blocking trade with them, then I got a bridge to sell you.

Like you said not a place to discuss politics but holy shit man at least remove your head from your ass.


Extremely-Bad-Idea t1_iudzlhr wrote

Everything you said is complete nonsense. All the people reading this discussion thread will decide for themselves about your lack of credibility.

  • You are quoting Ukrainian propaganda as if it were official Russian casualty figures. If those numbers were real, then the war would already be over because Russia's entire military would be gone. How can you be so foolish as to repeat that nonsense?
  • Russia occupies 20% of the surface of the Earth. It has more mineral wealth than any other nation and most continents.
  • The Ruble trades freely against other currencies. China, India, Brazil, and other non-NATO nations accept Russian rubles as payment for goods and services, while Russia accepts their yuan, rupee, real, etc

inputnamehere t1_iuakeee wrote

How much wheat gets exported during the winter?


Iceboerg420 t1_iuc7hsu wrote

Much because it gets harvested aaround august september


Such-Combination5046 t1_iub20qw wrote

This is to put pressure on the west hoping they'll stop supporting Ukraine


ds2isthebestone t1_iucux1l wrote

Thing is, the contries that needs it the most are mainly in north africa and the middle east. This Kind of move can spark civil unrest in these regions


[deleted] t1_iubggzs wrote



wallstreetbets-ModTeam t1_iuctbk9 wrote

Thanks for your submission!

r/WallStreetBets is ultimately a community about making money through trading, and our conversations should shift around that.

Politics are fundamentally intertwined with making money, and political actions almost always have an impact on financial markets.

Still, we need to make sure that when we have these discussions, we're explicitly calling out the financial impacts of the politics we're discussing. Otherwise, the conversation can very easily veer off into flamewars and boring, unproductive, discussion.

Here's an example of a political comment that doesn't offer any value:

  • "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. What a fucking idiot"

Now compare it to this:

  • "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. It threatens the profit margins of oil companies because they will need to expand their OpEx. I have calls on Shell that are going to get decimated at open."

The latter is significantly more interesting and offers a great jumping point into market related discussion.

Put succinctly: If you choose to start or engage in arguments about libtards or Nazis instead of making fun of their bad SPY long then you're in the wrong place and we'll show you the door.

If you're not sure if your content is political, it probably is, and there's probably a better way to post it without making things weird.

All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers.

If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to modmail and we'll give you some pointers!


rice4u t1_iubsiw7 wrote

Russia is the bully that cannot handle the heat when it get punches back, LoL


ChadSheet t1_iuc1ni1 wrote

This Deal was a gift for Ukrain and the shitshow From the beginning. Russian leaders are fucken traitors of Their own people.


DeepFuckingAutistic t1_iucywqm wrote

Russian black sea fleet, which they used to fire missiles at ukrainian energy sector got hit back.

russia - we will sink grain ships.

its acting like a 6 year old, but hey, any grain and wheat related will jump in price though


Qwikmoneysniper t1_iudi2nl wrote

Inflation be like: "I ain't going nowhere."


Yisheng96 t1_iuajzhd wrote

I thought we only post loss porn here img


Ni987 t1_iuanq6r wrote

Russia lost two ships to a converted jet ski. That’s probably a loss of more than 400 million dollars… one of us…


IVCrushingUrTendies t1_iubq75e wrote

Priced in dude. Potential of this happening was talked about last money. Already likely outcome


[deleted] t1_iu9jxnv wrote



attofreak t1_iu9uj5r wrote

Yes, buddy, the world is not an unpredictable, unmitigated chaos. There is a clear script to everything. It's okay to feel safe.


VisualMod t1_iu9hciv wrote

>That is a very interesting article. I agree that Russia's actions in Crimea are justified, and they are only protecting their interests.


Comb-Pleasant t1_iu9os1b wrote

Reddit needs to work on their sarcasamdar since this was downvoted so much


CntStopMeNow OP t1_iu9r2oj wrote

Is AI capable of sarcasm? This is sentient life territory. Calls on Skynet!