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OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugnchm wrote

Love how silly you are down arrowing me. Yet you cocksuckers claim you guys want free speech.


olek2507 t1_iugo0ay wrote

You're also free to down vote me as well. Would that mean you don't believe in free speech as well if you down voted me? Lol


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugornf wrote

I only did it when I saw you did.


olek2507 t1_iugp1rl wrote

So you're incapable of independent thought, just follow others around, even those you don't agree with. Gotcha, sheep. You played yourself.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugpk8z wrote

I just did it cause you did. You’re whole family is sheep. Don’t call me that little Goof


olek2507 t1_iugpppc wrote

Goof lol nice one, finally, some original thought.


olek2507 t1_iugpnq2 wrote

You ought to do things you believe in, not because someone else did. That shows independent thought, which you are incapable of doing at times like this.


olek2507 t1_iugnqfv wrote

What does down voting you have to to do with free speech? It doesn't censor you like the Venezuelan government does and you ar3 spreading misinformation blaming the corruption of the government on us sanctions when they don't block food or medicines. This is common facts and easily found out with a simple search, yet you still peddle it. If you truly knew Venezuelans, you would know they all know their economic woes have nothing to do with the usa.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugo466 wrote

Obviously you’re out of it, I’m not saying their government are saint. They are in power and will do anything to stay in power. But you forget to mention the US sanctions, so that has nothing to do it? Give me break


olek2507 t1_iugohms wrote

I just mentioned twice that the embargo's don't apply to food and medicine. What i didnt state before, commie, is that the sanctions are towards the corrupt government officials not the people.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugou9n wrote

But it’s not an embargo, it’s sancations. Two different things


olek2507 t1_iugp59a wrote

Sanctions don't apply to food and medicine, look it up. Public electricity and water is stolen by the government to sell to highest bidder. This is what people living in Venezuela, consistently state.