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Specialist_Avocado25 t1_iuajehd wrote

When Google first went public I was also confused as to why anyone would value a blank page with a single text box @ 100 million dollars (or whatever their IPO valuation was). That thought didn't age well.


andrewta t1_iuaoepv wrote

I had a chance to buy about $4,000 in stock about 15 days after they went public.

I’ll let you do the math.


red8eye t1_iuav4l8 wrote

Like 140k over 20 years, I mean not great


Most_Insane_F2P t1_iuavk8c wrote

$4000 times 32 = $128000 ? Only...
This is why I don't understand how Warren Buffet got so rich... you'll need a lot of money to create an insane amount of money?


Boilertribe4 t1_iuax1tg wrote

It's had splits. Google IPOd with a market cap of $23B. Today it's $1.25T.

That's a 55x

But, you definitely have to bet with conviction (and then get lucky) or already have money to make it rich overnight in the markets.

Edit: it's a 1.25T not 1.35T MC


follow-spy t1_iuajmi3 wrote

Google is a search engine with an algorithm and AI capabilities.

LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications, is Google's system for building chatbots based on its most advanced large language models, so called because it mimics speech by ingesting trillions of words from the internet.

Twitter is a microblogging platform


mediummorning t1_iuao2bm wrote

Google is an advertising platform. Twitter is an advertising platform.

The features you list are to engage eyeballs to view the ads, and to collect massive amounts of user data to more efficiently deliver the ads. These increase the advertising rates they can charge.


follow-spy t1_iuastr4 wrote

ADS for google is what keeps the lights on.

Former engineer was let go because he released info to public and he said the new AI they have been developing is transient.

Its well known in tech community they are by far the most advanced in AI research


mediummorning t1_iuax3r8 wrote

You mean sentient AI?

Blake Lemoine's claims were dismissed by experts in the field.

Google has good AI research but there are plenty of others. For example, look how many companies have poached or been started by the big brains that kick started google AI. Andrew Ng (Google brain co-founder) or Ian Goodfellow for easy examples.

AI is a field you can buy your way into. Poach smart scientists and buy/rent computing power, then sell your AI product or service. Building a user base is much harder, which is the reason Elon bought Twitter instead of starting new website, to bring this back to original question.


sqweak t1_iuayv8u wrote

He was right the first time. The AI is homeless.


BurnMuFuggaBurn t1_iuaymue wrote

Fuckin Homeless robots, eh!? Mother fuckers are taking all the jobs AND the welfare checks!?

They tuk er job¡!!!¡!!!!!@


Specialist_Avocado25 t1_iuarugc wrote

I think you're paying for the eyeballs. It has a very developed community. Sure, you could create an alternate site and build it up over time, but who knows if you would end up succeeding even if it were a superior product.


stiveooo t1_iuauhid wrote

the website is worth 0

whats worth is the users