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OO7Jesus t1_iu938nu wrote

Your reasoning is so flawed it’s pathetic. Deduced form your own reasoning you must also believe running a successful small business and putting a competitor who offers an inferior service out of business is immoral. You’re actually fucking r e t a r d e d


BootySenpai t1_iu9cry4 wrote

No I don’t, as long as you do your best to keep things as just as possible, having a business is fine.

There’s no justice in option trading


Marcelo_137 t1_iuarfgu wrote

It's the same principle, the one on the losing side is the person who didn't make enough effort to make a profitable trade or the odds didn't go in his favor otherwhise, which was a risk he was willing to take. Now the question is, it's wrong/evil to let a person take a risk that she/he choose to take? and if you respect free will, the answer will be obvious