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Stunning-Leek334 t1_iu97rnm wrote

Your point isn’t zero sum though. Your argument is you should be the only one allowed to make money in the stock market.

I don’t lose money if I have a covered option. I make money and you make money. Your entire argument is based on very flawed logic. Just because I didn’t make as much money as I could doesn’t mean I lost money.

Plus that still disputes the zero sum because in all of these situations money is being made and nobody is losing money to offset that money. So even in your own flawed logic your argument is still wrong.


rojasduarte t1_iu99e3n wrote

You may have made money on a deal you made before, great for you and too bad for the other side of that deal. But if I buy your covered call and excercise, you lost money on our deal. Between the two of us, it is zero sum.


Stunning-Leek334 t1_iu99qzy wrote

Lol are you trying to imply that because in a single transaction, I sell you something for the same price you pay me for it, that stocks are somehow zero sum? Lolololol