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computermademedoit t1_iu9m3ok wrote

I mean unless you stick your head in the sand you should be aware of the other sufferings as well. Your clothes are mostly made by what are essentially slaves, sweat shop workers. The glass in your iphone that you probably posted this from is literally made by slaves - Uighyrs in china being forced to work in camps. Alot of the food you eat, like chocolate for example, is produced in 3rd world countries with no labor laws and child / slave labor.

The reason we dont stop buying clothes or iphones or chocolate is because we tend to recognize, whether consciously or not, that these issues are beyond our ability to change them. They are systemic and require systemic changes to fix.

The same can be said of capital markets. You can argue they are unfair, they cause harm, blah blah blah. (i would argue we've never found a better alternative to free markets) But this is a systemic issue. Me not buying a call on a stock is not having any change in the systemic capital system, the same way me not buying a shirt from nike doesnt stop them from making shirts with slaves.

If you're going to take this hard down the line personal responsibility for suffering take then you are going to live a pretty meager life, or else everything you buy is going to be far more expensive. I doubt you do this, you just wave away these systemic problems as not your personal problem and keep buying their shit. So i dont see why i cant do the same with options.

Just because its your personal pet project that youve choosen to care about doesnt mean i have to suddenly jump on board with it. When you stop using a smart phone and wearing modern clothing I'll consider it. (thats a lie i still wont care)


BootySenpai t1_iua7459 wrote

I agree, that’s the part I’m personally working on. Getting clothes that are made via non harm, eating foods that are farm raised, and living and earning without causing harm to others. It can be done just have to learn and fine tune.