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Its_me_mikey t1_iy9nym9 wrote

Can someone please explain to me how to read this graph…? Like you would a golden retriever


holyimdepressedmaybe t1_iya0bbi wrote

The music has stopped


joelgreen25 t1_iya1a1v wrote

I didn’t hear no bell


Objective_Squash_567 t1_iyapm51 wrote

Omg this is wholesome y’all seen the movie


CraftsyDad t1_iyarn0j wrote

Do you want to know why I get paid the big dollars?


sheilatucks t1_iydpem6 wrote

Cause you know someone most likely


CraftsyDad t1_iydqr7r wrote

I was quoting the movie (Margin Calls); I wish I got the big bucks but alas no


Bradleynailer t1_iyb2rpa wrote

Elon made multiple large sells at a price quote a bit above where the price is now. Currently, the stock is trading in a range below those large sells. Why would Elon sell a bunch of stock if he thought his stocks were cheap? There is also a gap well below the current price. That is where there is a gap in the stock price from one day to the next, usually from some important bit of news. More often than not, those gaps eventually get filled as the stock crosses over those missed prices. If that happens here, Tesla stock price would have to drop quite a bit.


Its_me_mikey t1_iybft4k wrote

This is the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks king.


ilovethetradio t1_iyb3d7i wrote

It could go up down or sideways! I am sticking to index funds for the time being


Ayoitsjoe t1_iybt56z wrote

So $184 (the top of the red box) is the resistance line. If you see, each day the market is closing in a downtrend, below the resistance line. This means the stock is likely to continue trading sideways, and steadily lower in price. At least that’s what it looks like. I literally know nothing about charts.


MECO-420 t1_iyb37nq wrote

Don’t read the graph,do the exact opposite of what the title says. This is a casino.


mth2 t1_iy9q6km wrote

I'd be careful going long on anything right now if you can't hold for a couple of years.


stocker0504 t1_iy9oisv wrote

You are why people make fun of TA. But thats good. The less people know, the more money I make.


nailattack t1_iy9q6l0 wrote

Apparently TA is bullshit because it never works for them lol


CC7015 t1_iy9sicu wrote

TA is bullshit because the perspective is always skewed to the authors personal bias


nailattack t1_iy9unrp wrote

Real TA traders have no bias, and will place a tight stop loss in case their thesis is wrong upon entry.


eddie7000 t1_iya8f6y wrote

A monkey throwing darts at a stock list will make money with a trailing stop.

That single addition to a random stock-picking system is enough to give it an edge.


IrishNinja8082 t1_iyar688 wrote

So where can I see this monkey and his trades? I need some intellectual stock discussions


CC7015 t1_iy9sm2n wrote

and it might have worked before the stock market was fast as balls


VisualMod t1_iy9my34 wrote

I have analyzed the data you provided and I believe that TSLA stock is currently in a downward trend. The large sell orders from Elon Musk may be contributing to this trend, but it's difficult to determine without more information on his motivation for selling so many shares. However, given current conditions, I recommend caution when trading TSLA as there could still be further downside risk due to the strong bearish sentiment of recent price action.

^^WSB ^^Stats ^^Discord ^^BanBets ^^VoteBot ^^FAQ ^^Leaderboard ^^- ^^Keep_VM_Alive


james_burdiglio t1_iyalhsi wrote

"Careful going long"

Then you show a short-term chart



moistmoistMOISTTT t1_iya4ie5 wrote

People are going long when the markets are primed for a major crash or recession soon?


John_Bot t1_iyag5e0 wrote

You know if you want this chart to have value - have you thought about printing it out and eating it?


Audio_Adam t1_iyavoim wrote

Explain to me how you are “carefully” going long on Tesla. How do you justify its multiple vs say STLA?


Audio_Adam t1_iyavvy5 wrote

Wait are all of your upper ranges marked by the sale of shares from Elon Musk, the CEO? How is this not the red flag?


shadylex t1_iyazunw wrote

Exactly he dumped bags at the top a few times now


Significant-Stay-760 t1_iy9np7h wrote

If Tesla executes on it’s AGI over the long then it will be worth at least 10x what it is today


rhiao t1_iyawwpg wrote

The shaded-red rectangle is of greatest meaning.


gastrocraft t1_iyb0jut wrote

Tesla is a bad long term investment? Ha! RemindMe! 5 years


Rise_Dull t1_iybvrba wrote

$Tesla has been over valued due to the popularity of Elon. It is the same thing with all of the Pyramids schemes . People feel that $Tesla offers an opportunity to “make” money . Now the BIG BOY keep cashing out their money. People started to panic and afraid to hold $Tesla for long. The Pyramids started to fall. Elon had set the new ceiling price when he cashed out his latest $4 billions at an avg of $180/share. With the current chip shortages, economy and china locked down situation, $Tesla Q4 is more likely to be missed. You should expected to see him cashed out more money before Q4 . When the faith has been replaced with people fear, there will be no surprise to see $Tesla return to its fair values. No new news about Tesla. Only selling hope and dream about 50% car price at 2025. That is also when Toyota and another big car companies also planned to launched more EV into the markets. That is also when the car makers will have EV batteries shortages problem . Tesla business will stay but the stock won’t be as much as today price.


Guysmarket OP t1_iy9mxtt wrote

I explain my crayon drawings as best I can


DerpySmirk t1_iyama97 wrote

Safe bet just buying and holding stocks like a boomer


businessgigs t1_iyaswyu wrote

I'm waiting for TSLA to fall down more before I jump back in. Too much drama with Elon at the moment which is affecting the stock.


omghi2u5 t1_iyb2wxo wrote

TA is like religion. You dont know why you believe it's real. But by golly you just KNOW it's real. 😂 Keep up the hilarious work.


rnd2101 t1_iyboveg wrote

I hate Tesla and Elon Musk…but why is that large candle dictating the trading range? That makes no sense at all…is this really considered “research” at WSB?


WarrenBudget t1_iyaa62c wrote

Jesus christ he even uses gridlines on the time axis. Mega Chad here


MrULTRALONG t1_iyamgv5 wrote

Jim creampie says reverse?


NoobNup t1_iyavmt9 wrote

those notes are on your TOS charts themselves or just edited for the jpeg image for this post?


Guysmarket OP t1_iyax1f7 wrote

chart themselves


NoobNup t1_iyb6rb7 wrote

even the words in black? you just used the notes feature? Great trend lines and notes btw. I have levels and lines set, but the way you notated the lines was smart to give proper context with regards to what elon did. I learned something. Thanks


chev327fox t1_iyb1ymz wrote

Careful shorting. Now careful long. Anything else?


Brawmethius t1_iybf72i wrote

"This Large candle is currently dictating our trading range"

IVE BEEN HAD! Before I ever buy or sell stock I always make sure it is within range of my trading candle. How ever did you figure that out?


Jeece712 t1_iybwymd wrote

If it's technical analysis then it has to be true.


PuzzledRoosterCock t1_iyci8al wrote

motley fools calling tsla a good buy all over twitter.


GreenMellowphant t1_iyd0x5e wrote

I’m as long as I can get and adding every week. This is why y’all missed out on Enphase. “It already went up, can’t go up anymore”. How about looking at the things that drive stock prices over time. It’s not a guessing game if you’re not playing short term BS.


JustAnotherPl3b t1_iyd2btr wrote

It’s fricking hilarious that people draw these lines on graphs and think there is any actual value


jstock2318 t1_iydesmo wrote

I’ve been long since $285 lol


RR-74 t1_iydl4xz wrote

Looks like a map of Montana


spagetzzi t1_iydvj9x wrote

Elon sold large chunks during COVID crash as well