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CutDiscombobulated95 t1_ixncqee wrote

One year, years ago, when Bitcoin was at 3000-4500 and going up, I told EVERYONE to invest, family, work friends, my boss.

i WAS YOUNG, and it took over my personality, I had .8 BTC

When It was at 12000, I was sort of acted excited and continued to tell them,

Noone invested.

It went to 80,0000.

Everyone hated me for it,


Little do they know I sold half at 16,000 and other half at 8000 so I barely made money.


skilliard7 t1_ixnuwgs wrote

I was hyping up Bitcoin my senior year of highschool when it was like $100. Telling everyone that it's the next big thing. Had to come up with post graduation plans to get my degree(was a requirement). I said I wanted to mine a bunch of Bitcoin and develop blockchain software. Was told I needed a "real plan" to either go to college or join the military.

Shortly after I graduated, my Bitcoin wallet got corrupted, and after I managed to salvage it, I got frustrated and decided to just spend everything to buy games because I was frustrated, and move on.

When Bitcoin ran up to $50,000, I had a lot of people reaching out to me to ask me for money, crypto advice, etc. Was awkward to explain that no, I am not a crypto millionaire, and didn't follow my own advice.


SatoshiNakamoto21 t1_ixnz4dc wrote

That’s an interesting story. Thanks for sharing it. I think that such stories have an important role in the Bitcoin ecosystem, since they are contributing to the ethos.


[deleted] t1_ixortx6 wrote



kuprenx t1_ixq53gs wrote

how long does that ocy last?,,,, asking for a friend


Byakuraou t1_ixqi9gm wrote

i can’t lie to the average person 1-6 mil is within the same ballpark


maximus312659 t1_ixs35v9 wrote

Found out about bitcoin when needing to buy few things while back from certain “famous” website. Was impressed by BTC and read a lot about the technology, never crossed my mind to buy and hold… I think at the time BTC was less than 100$… was beating myself for not buying and holding, until I realized that I would have lost it all due to quadriga scam eventually lol…


Stephen_1984 t1_ixndnmu wrote

🤑Stonks only go up!
🤓…in aggregate
💀…over 30 years.


selipso t1_ixpbtgc wrote

For a second I thought this was r/stocks

Where are all the regards?


ducksuckgoose t1_ixnfzpc wrote

Beatlejuice Beatlejuice Beatlejuice


grizzlyboxers t1_ixnv913 wrote

He's as bad as can and he knows, he's the best.


SP-Marshmallo t1_ixnoy84 wrote

Already happened at lunch. The finale is coming up. Might not be able to trade tomorrow 😂


GivemTheDDD t1_ixnl1wc wrote

Bro, you just need to keep that 10k wrapped up for the next 10 years and you'll break even for sure. Another 10 years and you'll be up 10%. You really think you'll need that money in the next 20 years? Paper hands...


navy_dubber t1_ixoqzc4 wrote

if you take stock tips from your family members or friends you’re an idiot


UltimateTraders t1_ixorrfz wrote

Lol Beetlejuice he was hilarious 😂 😃 on the stern show


Platanoes t1_ixoy3oh wrote

This hits home. Last TG I told my friend to just buy calls and sell as soon as they turn profit.

He got a divorce this August. Prolly unrelated, right?


Battered_Grit t1_ixor833 wrote

This is Beetle, he's the baddest kidd, you know - he's the best..


Crim_Jamer69 t1_ixpx8vl wrote

I wonder how many more times I will see this same joke


spaniel510 t1_ixpx9qv wrote

Is that Beetlejuice?


SecretaryEqual4189 t1_ixqsp6k wrote

Why do people see that it only goes up..Throughout history most things fail very few things get better or last forever


davidmvitek t1_ixr45aw wrote

That's not wine, it's Kool-aid and bread because that's all I could afford 🥲


icyflute721 t1_ixsrwly wrote

My brother lost 40K on wish. I told him in June 2021 wish would be $30.