Submitted by hardyrekshin t3_z6l4az in wallstreetbets

Tickers of Interest - TL;DR

Gamma Max Cross

  • TLT 01/20 102P for $2.35 or less
  • XLV 01/20 135P for $2.30 or less
  • EQT 01/20 43P for $3.05 or less
  • CRWD 01/20 140P for $10.80 or less
  • LUV 01/20 37.5P for $1.10 or less

Delta Neutral Cross

  • WBD 01/20 10P for $0.35 or less
  • USO 01/20 67C for $4.95 or less
  • VOD 01/20 12C for $0.20 or less
  • BEKE 01/20 12.5P for $0.85 or less
  • HSBC 01/20 28P for $0.40 or less

Trading Thesis - Why These Crayons Taste Better

Technical analysis and indicator based trading tend to use past price performance in order to predict important price levels today.

This analysis is based on the current option open interest. With that option open interest, it calculates portfolio-level greeks--notably Delta and Gamma. More importantly, once the portfolio level greeks are established, I can now simulate the change in greeks at different price points. From there, I can find the price levels where portfolio-level gamma is the highest, and the portfolio-level delta is close to 0.

For some tickers, the underlying price reacts strongly off of delta neutral, gamma max, and sometimes both.

It's the reaction off of these price levels in the past that is being used to drive trading signals.

The plays and target entry prices given are calculated using a binomial option pricing model that reflect the expected size and duration of the reaction from gamma max or delta neutral. A lot of these plays are profitable by underlying moves in stock. The best plays benefit from the directional move as well as the increase in IV.

Notes - Something to give you a new wrinkle

  • If the price has moved past the entry price, exercise caution. Something changed between the time these plays were generated and market open.
  • Look to sell half your position on a double, and freeroll the rest to exit at your discretion.
  • I tend to risk up to 1% of my total capital on any trades I take. If my conviction is lower, I'll only allocate 0.5% or even 0.25% of my capital to the trade, and dollar cost average in.
  • The trades were calculated before market open, and so are based on information up to yesterday. Keep that in mind when deciding to enter well after the fact.

FAQ - Because others have already asked.

  • These plays are mostly puts. Are you a gay bear?
    • No. It so happens that the companies have had some recent run-up which implies they are overextended. These trades are primarily some form of mean-reversion either toward or away from an important price level.
  • Are you entering all these plays?
    • No. There have been a dearth of plays in the WSB morning talks, and so I opened up my bag of tools slightly wider to point out more plays with a probable edge to help lead apes to more gain porn. Go through this curated list of plays, pick the ones you like based on whatever additional analysis you use, and get that gain porn.
  • You mentioned a new play on the same ticker in the past. What does that mean?
    • The new play should replace the old play. The old play is likely now invalid and if you haven't entered in, don't chase the price. Remember that a new day's worth of data has been produced and the newer play reflects that data, the older play does not.
  • Where are the crayons? I only see words.
    • Click the links above.
  • Have you back-tested this?
    • Yes. Results show a moderate Sharpe Ratio (1.7), with an expected win rate of 63% of trades (7% margin of error)
  • What is the historical performance?
    • The realized Sharpe Ratio is 1.85 with a 67% win rate. Based on the trade performance so far, there is a 95% chance the expected win rate will be between 49% and 72%. (Stats as of 2022-10-28)


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Wisesize t1_iy1zvnv wrote

Is MET still in play?


hardyrekshin OP t1_iy249r8 wrote

Yes. Hold if you have them. Don't forget your position sizing.


Birder t1_iy2ryoj wrote

What happened to the 12/16 93 put on TLT?


Negative-Road-8610 t1_iy20t7a wrote

For the TLT play does it take into account the 50bps rate hike at the next FOMC meeting?


hardyrekshin OP t1_iy24bnj wrote

No. And are you confident the 50bps hike will happen? Depends on the unemployment number on Friday.


Barn_BurntAU t1_iy25zsh wrote

Would you say HD is still in play? I thought I did good at $1.50 below rec premium…but it kept dropping and dropping, it’s certainly at resistance level now, hoping it doesn’t push through.🤮🤮🤮


hardyrekshin OP t1_iy28zvk wrote

Still a hold.

Bagholding alongside a bunch of others. Gamma Max hasn't reasonably gone higher, so hoping this is the final bump.


Brat-in-a-Box t1_iy38a4w wrote

Does anyone enter these positions and have been fairly profitable? Asking sincerely. Is there a log/track record we can see.


Bents88 t1_iy42rzc wrote

My first play from these DD's was green, slightly. The next 4 are currently red but still 2 - 3 weeks from expiry so lots of time to turn around.


mind967 t1_iy3s8jm wrote

Hardy states the historical statistical performance at the end. You can be 95% confident the "Win Rate" is between 49% and 72%.