Submitted by Unattributabledk t3_z8twzz in wallstreetbets

As interest rates rise, real estate might crash in cities around the world, but there is currently no way to go short or long in entire cities besides using REITs as proxies.

Would you go YOLO on puts or calls for city indexes (i.e. an index that tracks the average house prices of a city) if you there was a mechanism to do so?

For example, I was thinking all these tech companies are firing tens of thousands of employees. San Fransisco real estate will be screwed if this trend continues. Would you buy puts on SF real estate?



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VisualMod t1_iyd75th wrote

>I would definitely go long on puts for city indexes if there was a mechanism to do so. I think that real estate in cities around the world will continue to rise as interest rates increase, but there is always the potential for a crash. If you are able to go short or long on entire cities, it would be wise to take advantage of this opportunity.


8512764EA t1_iydaclz wrote

I think most here would trade even their mothers if they could make money off it


gamesexposed t1_iydaio9 wrote

SF? Look at the shit show in Boise.