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Realdavidlima t1_iyf0ecm wrote

Eh it’s not elon it’s the fed news that pumped everything


PeeLoosy t1_iyetewz wrote

Congrats. Now you can afford bread and milk for the night.


chev327fox t1_iyev2vn wrote

Where do you live? I live on like $10-20 a day for food and I eat filet mignon and potato. Granted I only eat a small amount but still living like a poor king since I’ve upgraded from ramen and beans.


ThegoatDMZ t1_iyf4tjt wrote

Fuck you and fuck him


hawtfabio t1_iyfbk65 wrote

Sorry for that belief.


Penis_Just_Penis t1_iyexlzi wrote

I'm taking my profits from today and shorting your boy Elon. He's still crazy, dangerous, and this party is short lived for Tesla.


VisualMod t1_iyesv24 wrote

The trade that I am most proud of is my purchase of Tesla $250 call options. I bought these options when the stock was trading at around $205 per share, and they are now worth over $3 each. This represents a return of over 100% in just a few weeks, which is an incredible achievement.

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One_King_4900 t1_iyet4b1 wrote

As a holder … and a very happy one… and a complete regard when it comes to options. How ? Teach me your ways


Musical_Maniaster OP t1_iyeu1jb wrote

Believe in the company, CEO and Team. Check your bank account and then check the balance sheet.. be wise


Embarrassed_Bit5465 t1_iyeygst wrote

Good trade

Tessa was over $230 a month ago

Fundamentals have not chanced

Forward PE looking good


Unusual_Elk_6868 t1_iyevk81 wrote

Kind of a dumb question but when buying options on Robin Hood how do you determine the expiration date? Is it like the date above like can you buy it and it expire at the end of the day ?


AutoModerator t1_iyestuu wrote

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


LMG_Miami t1_iyevmyu wrote

So wassup with all these talk of Tesla being shorted??? Dang, it put a ding in my account.img


Bob4Not t1_iyfdorp wrote

Dang, 7.7% up today. I imagine this is because of the tweet at Apple HQ so the market isn’t as concerned that Twitter will get kicked off the iPhone.


Musical_Maniaster OP t1_iyetaqv wrote

I entered 205 weekly at 1.29 , they are 3.20 now

I am long 250 calls at .90 and they are 1.50 now

Total 30 calls… entire small portfolio for sir Elon


Embarrassed_Bit5465 t1_iyex7np wrote

Company prints money.

Look at the free cash flow this generates.

I have calls at $165 and $170 for first quarter 2023.

Bought when hit $165 recently.


Aggressive-Ad3286 t1_iyet425 wrote

This is the way 🤑


Investedinit t1_iyey953 wrote

This is the way to go broke I’d you don’t know what your doing img