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VisualMod t1_ixzb5hp wrote

>If you're investing in a leveraged ETF, you should be prepared to lose all of your money. These types of funds are designed for short-term trading, and the underlying securities can fluctuate wildly in value. If you hold one of these ETFs for more than a day or two, you're essentially gambling.


pattiemcfattie t1_ixzvf2a wrote

Buy small amounts over time. Buy 2 shares worth of SQQQ every couple days to establish a decent average and tell everyone who mentions contango / backwardation / decay to go fuck themselves - we are in an era of unprecedented volatility.


Accomplished_Body160 t1_iy090zy wrote

I’ve been holding leveraged short etfs for over a year—sqqq SH SPXU sark. There have been downtimes when I was down 5k and uptimes when I was up 10k. I sold some then, but have been expected the big crash, so I’m holding out for that. Currently down a little because of the decay, but expecting the big kaput to start this month—the signs are everywhere at this point. It’s not the best strategy to hold them this long but when the market drops, it puts me in the green which is easy and straightforward and I don’t need to waste time timing puts, etc.


Cautious_Rutabaga328 OP t1_iy0bopt wrote

You're the regard i was looking for. Save me a space in the line for the soup kitchen if/when we're wrong


Accomplished_Body160 t1_iy0gt4s wrote

I’m in for about 25k, down about 2k now. If we’re wrong big time, I expect to lose about half or more. If we’re right big time (many reason I go on and on about—debt crisis, interest is not actually controlled, tech bubble, housing bubble, car bubble, geopolitical instability, crypto pyramid scheme unwraveling), I expect to make 100-1000% returns. I have limit sells ready at about 50% 100% 150% 200% etc returns ready to trigger. Some triggered during the last big drop, was up ~50% When in for 20k so I rebought with that at points over the last couple of weeks during this “rally.” Caught SQQQ for $43 and change which was nice. But anything at these prices will be great when market goes into free fall and sqqq is in the hundreds of dollars


Cautious_Rutabaga328 OP t1_iy0idc3 wrote

I'm only YOLO'ing my bonus from work cause fuck it...


You got some Big Boy Balls


Accomplished_Body160 t1_iy4uez3 wrote

Lookin good so far. Where’d you buy in?


Cautious_Rutabaga328 OP t1_iy4usgj wrote

I didn't. Platform maintenance/malfunction fucked me over so i withdrew my money decided to look for another platform... i may regret my decision...


bry6520 t1_ixzd6l7 wrote

Just look at past performance to get a sense of how quickly it will decay. You basically want to use these products in conjunction with an economic calendar to make bets on specific news releases. If you want to benefit from overnight gaps, you’ll obviously need to hold it overnight.


PositionOwn4939 t1_iy091gw wrote

If there is so much decay then why not short?


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