Submitted by Confident_Abroad4984 t3_z3qdll in wallstreetbets

This long term downtrend on the $SPY on the daily has been intact since the beginning of the year and tops out at each of the rallies n 2022.

Based on the charting if it were to follow exactly we will hit $407.20 on Tuesday the 29th and we will enter a 60 day downtrend to 340 by end of January.

The $VIX seems to indicate a similar pattern. What do you regards think?



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volepotsirh t1_ixn3jdz wrote

thats what everyone expext, plus puts are at all time high, so NO - the computers will push it and stop everyone on the way up - ~ 415 - 425


ErectoPeentrounus t1_ixnea6n wrote

but why not push 430 to stop out the 415-425 shorter? Then push 440 to stop 430 shorters and infinitely to new ATH?


Sbmagnolia t1_ixnp8w6 wrote

Happens all the time. More puts are bought and the algorithms keep pushing higher until a breaking point.


ErectoPeentrounus t1_ixnq0bx wrote

I have history books that I stole from the future, we won’t push past 415. Even with me interfering with the timeline

not on this bear rally at least hehe


priceless4444 t1_ixoa70a wrote

Yep I agree 406-412 area on spy looks great for reject


Meatservoactuates t1_ixoh3d2 wrote

JPOW gonna crush this bear rally. My 401k gonna be cash before the 12th


computermademedoit t1_ixqc27b wrote

if you believe that you should cash out before the 29th since Jpow is speaking on the 30th.


VisualMod t1_ixmyvyz wrote

>That's a very interesting analysis. I agree that the $SPY is in a long-term downtrend and that we could see it fall to around $340 by the end of January. The $VIX does seem to be indicating a similar pattern, so I think there's definitely some merit to your argument. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


itachisasuked t1_ixn0esy wrote

Stonk only go up


Confident_Abroad4984 OP t1_ixn0o9k wrote

Well as soon as I buy puts on this idea - they will go up for sure!


itachisasuked t1_ixn0s4f wrote

I think Powell gonna pivot santa rally coming


Such-Combination5046 t1_ixnbbsb wrote

Powell will not pivot! It might be a .5 increase instead of the .75. I'm playing put spread


TastyToad t1_ixnqca1 wrote

FED watch currently shows 75% chance of .50 vs 25% of .75. My guess is they will do .75 only if the Nov inflation comes out really bad.


VanDuser1332 t1_ixn2d53 wrote

It lines up with the cpi report ... nobody knows which way we go but you can be sure it'll be a heavy rejection continuing the year trend or an explosion above that line. I think about 30$ on spy move incoming


Parking_Wolf_7407 t1_ixnoieu wrote

I’d say it test past that mark at least 10$ a few days to shake out the shorts then dumps


Apprehensive-Ad224 t1_ixo3eb2 wrote

Will definitely looking for a move up tomorrow before a rejection


Oraclelec13 t1_ixn4sj7 wrote

Peak then crash to lows Oct


Obsidianram t1_ixn29t3 wrote

The cycle frequency may be a little fudgeable...3 holidays to contend with during that time span. Sounds plausible, though...nice


Top_Application146 t1_ixn6ioe wrote

So do I sell at 4100 or buy more of the SP 500? Got a bunch of cash sitting on the sidelines.


Confident_Abroad4984 OP t1_ixqd853 wrote

I play these with long in the direction I think it’s going on and I sell shorter dates diagonal puts for credits. Relatively low risk.


Open-Yak-3708 t1_ixsxoff wrote

Amen spy to implode at 407.2 and hit 340 by Jan end

Baggies lose again!!


PharmDinvestor t1_ixnsdek wrote

Technical Analysts are telling you SPY is in a downtrend and will hit 340. When you ask them what happens after 340 , you get a response like 🤷‍♂️… the with all the data and lines they draw , then don’t even know what direction SPY goes …. Anytime SPY break 400, they will come out and say we have to test the lows . My question to all TA… why do we have to test the lows ?


nvanderw t1_ixo16tm wrote

Because PE ratio for spy is still historically too high?


PharmDinvestor t1_ixq08y5 wrote

Historically high? Who said PE should be pegged at a specific point ? So are you telling me that the PE for the year 2100 should basically be in line with PE of 1962 ?


nvanderw t1_ixqh63y wrote

Sorry didn't realize I was speaking to a regard. You belong here! Keep buying tsla


Gohstfacekila t1_ixotjdi wrote

Because of supply and demand basically, you want to see steady growth not volatile growth, if we keep pushing up with no retracement eventually it will whiplash back down harder than it went up. Why is that, from what I understand supply zones basically mean smart money wants to sell in that zone, so when the price hits a supply zone it will typically start to reject unless their is a catalyst to drive it further, when demand zones are hit big buys come in from smart money. Now back to why we need to go back and forth up and down. It’s not so much of testing lows as it is testing support and resistance, once we break a resistance of importance we should in a healthy stock movement go down to retest the resistance and see if it is still a strong demand zone to bounce off of. If it bounces it is confirmed to be demand zone and support. If it breaks back down well then it’s not support it was a fake break and it’s still resistance. Also gap fills up and down are based on building the right structure which is also why we need to test support and resistances on retracement because if a gap is left empty there is a chance of it being filled later and this could cause a lot of volatility if it fills later rather than sooner so smart money will tend to fill those gaps quickly imo.


Confident_Abroad4984 OP t1_ixp2aq0 wrote

Well the Feb fed meeting will occur just days after the bottom here and I’d expect if we are back at 340, the Fed will be either doing 0.25 or potentially even pause - both of which would be big moves upwards off the bottom


Meatservoactuates t1_ixogz4g wrote

JPOW will dad dick every one of these rallies with bigger interest rates until the bottom falls out.


qwerty12345qazwsx t1_ixp65ia wrote

Not peaking there is CPI gap up so moving to $560


computermademedoit t1_ixqc2ow wrote

i think the overall thesis is fine, the long term downtrend will probably continue, there will be a sell off, possibly even to a new low

i just don't know how you're getting your time frames and i wouldn't trust any time frame that's so specific. we will peak on a Tuesday is way too specific of a call out to make.

how bout "this will peak somewhere around 4000-4100 and there will be a sell off to 3700-3400 range.

its not as exciting but probably will map on closer to the truth than "we will peak on Tuesday" since all that needs to happen for you to be wrong is us to peak on Monday or Wednesday.


Confident_Abroad4984 OP t1_ixqcgq8 wrote

What’s a WSB post without a bold prediction!

The dates used are based on the previous periods and angles in which stocks rose into those tops and then lowered into their bottoms. The market tends to replay patterns and angles with some differences. If they were to match the previous tops and bottoms, then the dates I gave would generally be the top and bottoms.


computermademedoit t1_ixqd2ke wrote

yeah bold predictions are a lot more fun

i wouldnt make any big bets off those predictions if thats your methodology. like i wouldnt 0dte tuesday puts. you could play the overall trend.


Grimbarbs t1_ixwfrvu wrote

nope. will hit 430 before jan