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VanDuser1332 t1_ix1171d wrote

Reply to comment by mcjambrose in Who controls the world ? by [deleted]

Why don't you show everyone how wicked smart you are and explain to all us idiots who runs things.

I'm so interested to hear your response

I hope you read a lot buddy


mtbdork t1_ix126fm wrote

Read his comments. The guy is a moron.

Your post is also stupid.

The world is not run by any centralized group. Otherwise, it would actually function on a somewhat normal basis.


VanDuser1332 t1_ix12ny0 wrote

Do you have downs? I feel like I shouldn't really respond to harshly.. as clearly a disability exists here

I asked ppl what they thought .. then responded w light hearted comments. Why that makes your tiny penis shrivle up I do not know. Why don't you go back to jerking off in your mom's basement

Oh did you miss is Corky? One of the options was it isn't run by anything centralized .. dumb fuck


mtbdork t1_ix12xie wrote

The fact that you just called it “downs” makes you a moron as well.

Go read a book, and maybe stick with small purchases of broad index funds on a fixed schedule for your investment strategy.


VanDuser1332 t1_ix14ejm wrote

Yes it's referred to by EVERYONE in the medical field as having Down's ..

So you have no idea wtf you are talking about yet you are so confident you call other people morons for using the term everyone involved w mental disabilities uses.

How do you get there?


mtbdork t1_ix14mh7 wrote

Go back to critiquing vaginas on r/wetpussies and r/bonermaterial. Your moron is showing.


VanDuser1332 t1_ix188x0 wrote

You just went into my profile to search my comments ?? That's creepy af

You don't jerk off to females? That's ultra fuckin creepy

Yes I jerk off to reddit subs when my chick is not here

You think that's bad? Haha wtf


VanDuser1332 t1_ix1agu6 wrote

Stop searching thru other men's jerking off history

It's so creepy bro ..


VanDuser1332 t1_ix14wl3 wrote

Well you are 14 yrs to late for that strategy aren't you ? .. seeing as that entire time was QE w low rates ?

Free money for all .. yeah so that's done and 20% S&P are zombie companies. Why don't you read a few books about economics it'll help your understanding

This isn't 2009.

We have totally new paradigm now


mtbdork t1_ix157pb wrote

Spoken like somebody who doesn’t understand how the S&P500 works.

Fine, go stockpile mosin nagants, MRE’s, and hard alcohol for the coming apocalypse. I don’t give a fuck. You’re still a moron and you’re only digging a deeper hole for yourself dude.


VanDuser1332 t1_ix175mw wrote

Tf.. I turned a 2k investment imto.60k being bullish in 2020. I took that 60k and began buying puts on all growth the moment apple hit 3 trillion

Look at ur chart it was dead to nuts to the day

I literally don't take jobs anymore In my business.. my dad has a new truck and I am pretty close to set

I'm digging a hole ? I'm a moron?.

You don't make sense


mtbdork t1_ix1gogj wrote

Yeah you’re a moron. You commented five times. Obviously your money hasn’t made you any less of a moron over the last two years.


VanDuser1332 t1_ix17o8y wrote

Best thing I ever did was start trading... i have enough now to fully hedge as i play upsides

Calling ppl morons you don't know because of a poll... that kinda makes you a moron. No?


VanDuser1332 t1_ix18nvl wrote

You're a fuckin weirdo please stop looking at comment history

How fuckin.weird.. you thought that was embarrassing to me ? That I jerk off haha

Embarrassing is searching thru other men's histories.. maybe your gay idk

But please leave me alone


VanDuser1332 t1_ix13hz9 wrote

The world doesn't function on a normal basis ? really with the 10s of billions in trade per day between all countries?

Weird lol


mtbdork t1_ix146w7 wrote

I guess global cohesiveness = day-by-day global trade and nothing more. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Fuckin moron.