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VanDuser1332 t1_ix1jb3e wrote

Reply to comment by Dothemath2 in Who controls the world ? by [deleted]

The BRICs already moved .. the currency exists China/Russia

Takes a minute to unleash obviously

Yeah idk man honestly the more I know the more I just hope everything pans out ok for us

It's not good


Dothemath2 t1_ix1rq98 wrote

I think It’s going to be ok. Rome, Britain and France lost their empires when their currencies collapsed, but the US doesn’t have far flung holdings, maybe the military will be weaker, things will be more expensive and the US will dominate less but it could bring more balance to the world.

Americans will have smaller vacations, smaller homes, smaller appetites for hobbies, smaller cars, lower standard of living maybe but America can adapt and maintain a high standard of living by cutting out waste. Less selection at the grocery, less wasteful transportation choices, less wasteful energy practices, more efficient lifestyles.