Submitted by Jandys96 t3_z8sd5d in wallstreetbets

Private businesses in the US created 127K jobs in November of 2022, the least since January of 2021, and well below market forecasts of 200K. The slowdown was led by construction and other interest rate-sensitive sectors while consumer-facing segments were bright spots.

The services-providing sector created 213K jobs, led by:
leisure/hospitality (224K);
trade/transportation/utilities (62K)
education/health (55K)

while a fall was seen in professional/business services (-77K);
financial activities (-34K)
and information (-25K)

The goods sector added 86K jobs, mainly due to mining (16K)
while the manufacturing sector shed 100K jobs and construction lost 2K.

looking at this information, two things come to my mind.
a) this is prove that companies started feel impact of increased rates and slowed onboarding. (better chance for 0.50 increase of rates)
b) Maybe good time to look into mining companies.



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lordinov t1_iycyu3m wrote

Mining companies? Bitcoin mining companies!


Big_Biscotti_1259 t1_iycz82g wrote

Call or Put?img


Jandys96 OP t1_iyd26hk wrote

Well, everything points to 0.50 hike rates. If this will work out, obviously it's call - but since I reversed myself - go put if 0.50 hikes


VisualMod t1_iycykmt wrote

>1) This data does suggest that companies are feeling the impact of increased rates and have slowed down their hiring as a result. This could increase the likelihood of another rate hike in the near future. 2) The mining sector looks like it may be a good investment opportunity at this time, given that it has added jobs while other sectors have lost them.


Single-Ad-9527 t1_iyczhmt wrote

What? Lower hiring so it means Feds more likely to hike more. Idiots.


[deleted] t1_iydon1w wrote

Hello from the -1 information datapoint! 👋🏻


Single-Ad-9527 t1_iycz9pf wrote

So why is futures down. This is good news to stop feds from raising rates. The Econ is slowly like they want.
