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anonymousperson767 t1_ixkchcv wrote

The problem is that everyone wants to front run everything they say as a sign of the money printer turning back on. No one should be bullish on a 5.5% rate no matter if it gets there with 4 50 pointers or 8 25 pointers.


Theta_Ome t1_ixk4c3r wrote

They only care about unemployment. People are getting laid off going into holidays. They’re happy.


attofreak t1_ixk2y2t wrote

Trying to be as macro agnostic as possible these days. Just scalp my way to loose change.


king-Leroy t1_ixkirvf wrote

Cramer declared 4 weeks of pump. We might get 1-2. The sooner we get the big dump the better. He will speak and tank it. Not enough unemployment and inflation too high to stop


Bryguy3k t1_ixk20bh wrote

There was a lot of pivot predictions for the last meeting too. Eventually they will but right now it just seems like the news is volume is to make bagholders


epic_swag_gamer t1_ixkyj94 wrote

I hope powell brings the pain, full Volcker mode, I missed my opportunity 2 weeks ago to dump my life savings into a bunch of stocks I wanted, got greedy expecting them to go even lower


Wide_Cardiologist667 t1_ixmdbt2 wrote

imo in order for that to happen we need to see inflation go rampant again. also volcker was fighting against a republican party that was doing the opposite of what he was trying to achieve. i however do think q1 or q2 next year will present some good buy opps in some sectors


ErectoPeentrounus t1_ixnfh0q wrote

The democrats in California are handing out stimmy checks… all the Ukraine aid adds to inflation indirectly.


Wide_Cardiologist667 t1_ixnq15n wrote

yeah i understand that contributes, but it’s definitely not 50% of our m1 being printed again. in my very unprofessional opinion i think the inflation needs a catalyst to bounce it back up again.

now that being said i did see that an African country is willing to use gold to pay for oil; THAT would be a significant catalyst for other countries to do same.


ErectoPeentrounus t1_ixnr4ul wrote

inflation won’t jump but a 2% today compared to pre hyper inflation is like 30%

that’s true inflation, we need to see DEFLATION. Fed needs to shrink their sheet by a few trillion. if there is high $ demand it’s easier to tighten since we export our inflation away. Inflation happens once, u printed the money, that’s it, it’s been added to the supply and now we feel its effects. Problem is a lot of it went into stocks hence true inflation only 30% and not 100% where it should be since we doubled dollar supply. Stocks soaked up that 70%. Now when stocks go down, that money comes out and is spent which adds that 70% back into the system. Granted it’s not that direct but sort of. CPI won’t increase because with the revised fake formulas and referencing prior years. Hyperinflation report compared to a hyperinflation report will come out to normal inflation. hence CPI did peak. MoM likley didn’t.

True hyperinflation hasn’t shown it’s teeth. Problem is if it does show it’s teeth other countries will dump the dollar which will cause a inflationary spiral hence ECB also hiked along with USA. Everyone is hiking because everyone printed their currency into worthless territory.

The goal of the fed is simple: crush the world economy by causing the dollar to strengthen so that everyone hoards it and favors it over other currencies to prevent the dollar dumping. Europe collapse is inevitable since their banks never even recovered from 2008 and their collapse will bail out America.

Powell is playing 5D chess. It isn’t about how high, it’s about how high and how long America can stay in high rates so that we don’t default on our own debt before other countries do


Vegan_Honk t1_ixl3ysg wrote

It's about to be a grade A fuckening for the bulls.


budleeroy t1_ixlwyjj wrote

50 priced in, 75 will cause another note worthy drop. J.P will take a break, but he isnt done kicking peoples ass.


Upstairs-Land-3742 t1_ixm0z64 wrote

Pain not over lol Tbh still waiting for another deep dive in stock market.


Complex_Day_8437 t1_ixnc5yw wrote

It seems more likely than not the Fed raises interest rates to .50 in December and I’m positioning myself for inflation to increase in January, higher unemployment, and markets begin to slide mid-December into next year followed by terrible earning first quarter of 2023 which will push into a substantial recession.

Good luck and don’t loose all your money buying puts too early fellow degenerates


tabspdx t1_ixk3zl5 wrote

Papa Powell only gets one vote.


cbusoh66 t1_ixke28w wrote

It all depends on PCE next Thursday. If the number is lower than expected, then FOMC’s hands are tied no matter what.


CeleryApple t1_ixktje6 wrote

Agree PCE numbers are key to what the feds will ultimately do. But I don't understand why everyone happy as if 0.5% increase is any better lol. We are still now where near the mythical 2% inflation rate. The EU inflation rate was still at 11.5% in October. The fed might have very little option but keep rates high to keep the USD up. If the USD goes down, it will just make imports more expansive again.


cbusoh66 t1_ixl54im wrote

It’s all about market psychology, has nothing to do with fundamentals or logic at this point.


UltimateTraders t1_ixknuec wrote

We will get a .5 or more December and at least 1 more .25 so things are bad


BreakfastOnTheRiver t1_ixoep4i wrote

10 year yield keeps dropping. If it does, would stocks keep going up?

Makes no sense for stocks to up right now. But that's why they are haha


UltimateTraders t1_ixofkqc wrote

Generally the treasury yields lead the fed.. But we are in a tightening cycle and the yields are wrong at the moment. Stocks will rally on anything due to pent up demand.


VisualMod t1_ixk0ddv wrote

>It makes sense that the Fed would want to slow down the pace of interest rate hikes given recent market volatility. This could help to avoid further risks and ensure that rates don't rise too quickly and adversely affect economic growth.