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PortfolioIsAshes t1_iy5xoda wrote

Your entire "DD" sounds like you just discovered Steam, or you are bagholding one of the companies.

Steam is a direct competitor to Microsoft Store, I don't know how you think MSFT would benefit from it when Microsoft Store is doing so shit that MSFT gave up and listed some of their top games like Microsoft Flight Simulator and Minecraft Dungeons on Steam.

NVDA is going to eat shit next quarter, their 4000 series aren't flying off the shelf because of all the scandals and shitty engineering, scalpers are struggling to get rid of the 4000 series cards they hoarded. Nobody is upgrading, even if they are, they're going for 3000 series whose price got lowered to the point where it's sold at a loss to clear inventory.

EA and ATVI are some of the most hated gaming companies for consumers. Even on Steam, their event sales usually have one of the lowest sales numbers. EA is carried by Apex, and ATVI by COD. Both's recent future guidance is dog shit and was already talked about recently.

PS5 is doing so bad that SONY went back on their words and started listing console exclusive on PC. Which works to your advantage if you are bullish on PC building.

Also, Steam is essentially a gamers' equivalent of booze and hoes, top selling games are either triple A games by a big publisher, porn games, or skimpy weeb games by Koei-Tecmo/Capcom/Square Enix. Top 5 games with the most concurrent players are literally f2p on cosmetic/battle pass system.

Your post would make sense last year or 2020, not now where all of them are going to take a hit due to economy situation. It'll take years before you start seeing green if you buy now, Bullard, JPow and the FOMC minutes already firmly stated interest rate hikes aren't stopping at least until 2024 so I don't know what fucking regarded copium you are huffing.


silicon_replacement t1_iy693yw wrote

As for $nvda, the market really hopes on it's data center revenue growth, client side, not so much, if you look at stat from steam itself , majority is running on hardware lower than 3060, I guess most of these gamers are poor kids from developing countries


cruss0129 OP t1_iy6bhws wrote

With respect to PC gaming, Cloud gaming from its data centers is one direction things may go in the future (GeForce NOW is what the service is called i believe, but it’s not on par with owning hardware by any means). Once the internet gets faster and decreases latency to the point that streaming looks and feels indistinguishable from running on hardware, I foresee mid to low level client devices (like the steam deck and Nvidia shield) being powered by subscriptions to higher end computing.


silicon_replacement t1_iy6c5x4 wrote

Most driver on biz side of $nvda is machine learning as big corps are expereimenting what they can do with it,

Will be machine scan court documents

Crazy kitten project for air force

Test bed for FSD with digital twin