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rRawkus t1_iy0gb6a wrote

Rivian, and likewise Tesla, are auto manufactures, not tech companies. The whole market is regarded about how these companies should be valued.


VerticalRadius t1_iy1msl2 wrote

Feels like Tesla hardly sells any cars for how valued the stock is. I think they're more of a battery company as they do sell home battery systems.


rRawkus t1_iy1p4qk wrote

Right. Nothing innovative to see here. the iPhone of cars, so when the battery dies you get a new one. Planned obsolescence. I believe GM first did this, or at least admitted to doing it.


VerticalRadius t1_iy1uuoq wrote

I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm pretty sure you don't either


TheCapitalKing t1_iy1p5ef wrote

Same for Uber and Lyft. They’re shit tier taxi companies that have and will never be profitable


Mintleaf007 t1_iy2fpvo wrote

rivian is nothing. tesla is a tech stock which is why they were silicon valley.


sqgeafvfasvefvfevfsa t1_iy0zl8b wrote

According to who? Literally anyone working in tech would consider them tech companies


rRawkus t1_iy159a3 wrote

I work in tech. They are not tech companies.


sqgeafvfasvefvfevfsa t1_iy1naw6 wrote

Lol, you must be an idiot then and not a good programmer. Obviously all the data processing Tesla does for self driving is tech, and at the forefront of tech in general. I don’t even like Tesla, but saying it’s not a tech company doesn’t make any sense when they invented so much for ai


rRawkus t1_iy1qu0r wrote

I'll met you in the middle, they build batteries with a computer attached, that they then manufacture in a car plant. Also, they sell them as cars to people, that buy them for transportation. The tech that goes into these cars is no better then what all the other auto manufacturers have already figured out. There is no competitive moat anymore for Tesla, or other EV startups.