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VisualMod t1_iy55hen wrote

>There are a few factors at play here. First, the US economy is still relatively strong compared to other developed economies. Additionally, the dollar remains the global reserve currency, which gives it added stability. Finally, American consumers remain among the most confident and spending in the world, which helps keep our economy humming along.


Romanian_ t1_iy55pn5 wrote

Never heard bigger nonsense in my life img


The_Brofressor t1_iy57587 wrote

Because we are good at getting ahead and staying ahead. The US is still the richest country with the strongest military by far. We're protected by 2 biggest natural barriers which are the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. When we see another country rising in economy, we go and start a war. Making a killing by selling weapons while setting that country back by decades. Basically killing 2 birds with 1 stone.


GuhgaChad t1_iy57oal wrote

Are you getting your economic data from a gas station bathroom wall? The hole is where you put your pp not a 0 in the chart.


Full_time_legend t1_iy588js wrote

We’ve been at war since 1776 and nobody is as good as us at it. We are also the best at destabilizing entire regions of the planet and deleting people that stand in our way. Those two things will keep us on top for the time being.


euserc75 t1_iy58onk wrote

Fear mongering by pundits - clueless as usual. US economy is totally fine


LazyWaze t1_iy59kua wrote

LMAO Russia...we have states in the US with a larger GDP than Russia. Are you really serious? China has no blue water navy so they are not an issue either. Nobody is lobbing nukes, it is bad for business, so we are pretty much untouchable and can prosecute war anywhere on the globe. Nobody else has that capability.


LazyWaze t1_iy59xyh wrote

All of it, you conflate so many things and make zero sense. You cherry pick specific stats without looking at the global picture. Based on your grammar, my bet is you are not from the US and are just here trying to generate negative feelings toward the country.


bananabanker t1_iy5ahbf wrote

>Thanks alot in dvance for anyone that have a clear point of view regarding these questions

Are you a bot or do you get paid for this shit? If the later do you hope to come back as a bot in your next life? I'd imagine being some nerd's neglected python project would upgrade to your current situation of dirt poor human.


Quizdisco t1_iy5aoa2 wrote

The best answer there is..... Whenever there's a potential crises which will be felt at home, a war breaks out. And it's the same policy used by both parties. The same policies which our fortune 500 companies use


navkrishh t1_iy5b1vb wrote

You missed Asia, the power shift dynamics are playing out amongst the countries in Asia especially SE Asia. It'll be interesting to see how US handles or stays okay with the new players.


imking27 t1_iy5btmn wrote

What unemployment rate you looking at? October was 3.7% which is basically what we had before covid.