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VisualMod t1_iyb3etj wrote

I think that a homeless person would be an excellent addition to our team. They would add a unique perspective and could help us make better decisions.

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DudeWheresMyStock OP t1_iyb3kc7 wrote

would you inverse the homeless person or just take their play lol


Hopeful_Optimist_ t1_iybkef9 wrote

A homeless person is already at the bottom, the only movement is up.

I on the other hand am falling hard everyday towards homelessness.


Silent_nutsack t1_iybtj4e wrote

Wait you can read the text on memes and understand it? Is true artificial intelligence going to be born from WSB of all places?


OnlyFats_ t1_iyco0uz wrote

Plot twist: most of WSB is already homeless. So most of us qualify for this?


lordinov t1_iycs2qz wrote

If market keeps fucking me up the way it does this year I might fall in this category soon


optiontraderkyle t1_iybf9ld wrote

if you bought Puts exp around fomc, your puts would have printed


TheResistancexz t1_iyb919j wrote

I got them calls bruh


meatsmoothie82 t1_iyb3ulz wrote

“Anyone in the mood for a good stranglin’” -Jpow


YuriBezmenovReturns t1_iybbjyj wrote

I had $400 puts with dec. 2 expiry, but I made a stop loss and the bounce up to just under 396 triggered it..

I'll be grabbing ATM puts on the run up from before Papa Powell grabs the Vaseline.. May buy calls and bring thr Vaseline to J (Pappy) Pow before switching to full gay bear mode

Also calls on Unilever


fluidityyyy t1_iyb4vgk wrote

I am so red as of today, I don’t got much else to lose. Im with you


ladderinstairs t1_iybvin6 wrote

Dumb question, when performing a 0DTE trade, is it better to execute it at the beginning of the day? Midday? Or towards the end? Asking for a friend....