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serious_brain_damage t1_ixnnr6a wrote

  1. PBR pays a massive dividend.
  2. You’re shorting oil during record-low inventories? Good look with that.

Ancient_Implement_30 t1_ixnoxuy wrote

I’m shorting oil.. for many reasons.

I was buying oil back in 2020. If you are king oil stocks, which are at all time highs, i think you will lose.

But hey, let’s see how it plays out.


Wide-Comparison4318 OP t1_ixoh80s wrote

Word, let’s see how this ends. I’m not selling


Ancient_Implement_30 t1_ixwubuv wrote

“Shale was thought of as a swing producer, the Saudis and OPEC have waited this out. Now, really OPEC is back in the driver’s seat where they are the swing producer,” Hess Corp CEO John Hess said at a conference in Miami last week.

The executive believes that U.S. crude oil production will average 13 million bpd over the next few years, where it will plateau, as investors pressure U.S. oil companies to focus on returning money to shareholders instead of investing in aggressive growth strategies


Ancient_Implement_30 t1_ixwuf25 wrote

Just in case any of you are invested in companies focused on shale..

I know PBR is not. When i was doing work for them, it was all deep sea oil