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Legitimate-Source-61 t1_ixkyus6 wrote

I still put in my monthly pension, the max amount that my employer matches, this is a safety net and free money. It is hard to time the market, but see it as part owning a business and there should never be a time that you shouldn't own businesses, unless it is really the end of the world (it never is). Not investment advice but my pension is diverted mostly to a US fund that has stocks in the SP500, this has outperformed the UK market over the last decade (they used to move in tandem). Sure the market is down, but usually when businesses are announcing layoffs, the business is becoming stronger as it is cutting out the dead wood. In the past when companies announce layoffs the share price jumps up meaning the market likes the news, we're not quite there yet. In my personal account I am not putting anymore in right now.


PenguinWithWings OP t1_ixlkcxl wrote

Thing is I qualify in 3 years time and will likely be making a lot more money at which point I can put a larger percentage of my money into my pension. Right now I need the money