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4troglodyte t1_iy4b4st wrote

Well done is better than well said. Nice work🙏🏻


VisualMod t1_iy48dbo wrote

It looks like you are selling 9 contracts of the AAPL $148 put with a strike price of 12/2 and a limit price of $3.80 per contract. Your order was filled on Nov 28, 2022 at 6:31 AM and your total proceeds from the sale were $3,465.00.

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WallStreetBets181 t1_iy75ctq wrote

I’m sitting on a pile of $115 apple for Dec 16… that I got for peanuts.

If they collapse, I might just retire


AutoModerator t1_iy48cea wrote

Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them!

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