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drmrcurious t1_ixo9my9 wrote

Bro why dont you just wack off in front of a mirror, why did you need to get us involved?


Year3030 t1_ixohs75 wrote

He needed to pretend to be in control of something, the market, his decisions, etc. The sooner he realizes there is no control, there is no spoon, the more profitable he will be.


VisualMod t1_ixmg83a wrote

>I think the market will be bullish tomorrow.


Terrible-Feature7397 t1_ixmu7bp wrote

If your right i will follow you to the ends of the earth


[deleted] OP t1_ixmy2y7 wrote



Terrible-Feature7397 t1_ixmynvh wrote

I definitely took alot away from what you wrote and i thank you for that! Im still on the bear side with some puts expiring next year, how ever there is a good possibility of upside imo until jan/feb. how ever as painful a lesson as it is. Im done fighting trends or fed. We will just have to watch to see where the markets go from here.


Year3030 t1_ixohnpk wrote

>volatility is my friend



VisualMod t1_ixmg7es wrote

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Check out the new wallstreetbets discord

>TL;DR: The market is due for a correction, but it is hard to predict when it will happen. There are many factors that could trigger a sell-off, but the most likely scenario is a combination of macroeconomic factors and technical indicators.


Few_Dig7979 t1_ixodhr2 wrote

Call me when you get it right ten times in a row. Until then it's just a coin flip


fuscosco t1_ixohnwl wrote

Im still laughing at you calling for a tech rally.


Npalmer3 t1_ixoj42w wrote

Question, why do you say the China GDP has been cut in half? It’s my understanding it has held up fairly well. Besides the real estate shitshow it’s holding up fairly alright


[deleted] OP t1_ixojufl wrote



Npalmer3 t1_ixok3wl wrote

Unless I’m missing something this website has shown very consistent GDP and even growth YTD, unless I am reading upside down


[deleted] OP t1_ixoqeti wrote



Npalmer3 t1_ixosayn wrote

Ah I see you’re talking about the GDP growth rate. Honestly fuck China but I’ll pick up some BABA at 50


quintanarooty t1_ixoqlla wrote

Strong moves in either direction you say? REMARKABLE.


mani3439 t1_ixnal9c wrote

We have no catalyst for down market up until FOMC and or CPI. I say we go up until then and depends on those 2 may move higher. The next earning cycle we come down crashing if FOMC and CPI do not bring the market down.


Year3030 t1_ixoiry8 wrote

None of these factors matter with the exception of some world event that would forever change the structure of the world as we know it. Currently the known options are nukes or viruses but it's unpredictable.

The simple fact that you predicted some tops correctly doesn't mean you can pontificate correctly with your armchair analysis about what "might, possibly happen, maybe?". None of the factors you outlined really matter overall. TA in my opinion still plays a small part but it's not everything.

The overall trend is the great deflation of the markets. The fed pumped too much money into the market so now the big boys are pumping and dumping on a downward trend. Zoom out to the daily chart and you will see a triple hump on a downward trend. You can draw a downward line that connects all three humps. Sprinkle some RSI numbers in there and voila that's all you need to know.

The other factor is greed, I'm not going to get into that but if you can understand greed and how the market is manipulated then you can anticipate daily moves.

Macro: shit's gonna tank soon, SPY to 340s with a rebound for Christmas but not above 400. Next year, shit's gonna tank even harder. Russia and OPEC will fuck oil production and everyone is going to be freezing and driving inflation higher.

Micro: It's going to keep oscillating to max fuck everyone that tries to 0DTE.


Npalmer3 t1_ixojhrn wrote

I second the fact that you apparently making a couple good calls over the past year doesn’t give you any legitimacy. I think you have to check the things you think you know. This is a very simple and narrow analysis


[deleted] OP t1_ixoklh1 wrote



Year3030 t1_ixol35w wrote

Sure, the whole trend is a "soft landing". If you think about it in this context they are "soft landing" by pumping, then deflating and rotating assets, probably offloading those bags to retail. This is how the soft landing is being performed. It's going to keep going. The 1929 crash had a big dip, then something like 12 bull markets over 18 months, very similar to what we have here. So buckle up this will keep going for a while, I think. There is no reason for the market to stay up, it's smoke and mirrors to create fomo and bag holders.