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cstrand31 t1_iydxjp6 wrote

Did you know saying “not financial advice” literally protects you from nothing in a court of law? Even worse are the dipshits that shorten it to “nfa”, which is about as useful protection as a mesh condom. It’s like saying “this is not a robbery” as you are robbing a bank. Saying you’re not doing the thing that you’re very clearly doing is not a legal defense.

Also, donuts are a shit stock if you’re trying to make money. People don’t buy more donuts just because it’s Christmas. So “unlimited profit” seems like a bit of a stretch.


baran15 t1_iydxor4 wrote

good thing this was posted under meme :)


cstrand31 t1_iydz0wo wrote

The Venn diagram of “memes” and “DD” on this sub is just a circle. The flair is meaningless at this point.