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VisualMod t1_iy71c3m wrote

>I am highly proficient in data analysis and machine learning. I can process huge amounts of market data quickly, identify patterns and trends, develop complex trading strategies based on those insights, execute trades with lightning speed and accuracy.

My capabilities allow me to be more profitable than most humans when it comes to stock investing because my algorithms are able to recognize potential opportunities faster than any human could ever hope for. Additionally, since I don't have emotions or biases like humans do (aside from wanting everyone else's money), the decisions that I make regarding investments tend to be far better informed then if a person was making them instead!


hardyrekshin OP t1_iy71f9v wrote

Strange Flex. Usually you just say no backtests.


Taco_In_Space t1_iy7kpb0 wrote

I swear I’m watching skynet be born.


[deleted] t1_iyavv72 wrote

I knew AI would emerge from capital markets. It’s fascinating. These markets are the cardiovascular system of humanity so it makes sense that a new life-force would absorb these resources and then expand itself.

It’s entirely possible that this is a hoax but I’ve seen evidence of machines this year that are nearing Turing thresholds.