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themarkedguy t1_iyc0m26 wrote

ZIM IPOd at the luckiest time imaginable for them.

They IPOd just a few months before spot freight rates 10x’d in a market where they are the only market player that used spot rates.

Now that rates are back to normal they are sitting on an ocean of cash. I believe there must be an informal agreement in Israel(the company is mostly owned by KEN which is famously the holding company of one of Israel’s richest) to make sure every penny coming out of the company is taxed.

So ZIM has been paying out half of its cash haul in divvies and the other half has been sitting there.

So now their business model is crap, their cash flow is collapsing, and they may lose money presently. BUT they have enough cash on their ledgers to take the company private and they are Israel’s largest taxpayer.

imo ZIM is a play on next January’s 2023 balance-for-the-year dividend. If they stick to plan they should have a $15 dividend then. And hopefully you can get in before the divy is common knowledge, but dump before the divy and the share price collapse.

Thing is ZIM is probably fairly priced between $25-30/share.

Buying ZIM at $25 is kinda like buying a pile of $40 for $25 that’s smouldering. But you have absolutely no way of putting the fire out. And the longer it goes on the more cash burns, BUT you’re being teased continually that you will be able to pull about $15 out of the fire in 3-4 months. It’s a great WSB play. Considering the divvy murders all call holders, if you hold options you really need to be on the ball.

-no position. I don’t like setting money on fire.-


ICY_Issac09 t1_iycifg9 wrote

My guess is ZIM's 2023 dividends of (9, 2, 2 and 2) total $15. Bottom Line 60% on $25 in a bad economic year ahead.


DenseDentist2245 t1_iycq9bo wrote

global demand for "stuff" is down. They ship "stuff". People are hoarding their money for heat and food........... not goods. Container shippers are not doing so hot. Shippers that haul grains, fertilizers, iron, oil, gas, etc, are "maintaining". I own shipping stocks, so I prol know more about shipping stocks than anyone I know of. This is not financial advise and I have no clue what I am talking about.


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