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drmrcurious t1_iyd1vpr wrote

the lol is the part that kills me. lol


Ambitious-Tart-2070 t1_iyeh407 wrote

Is the market truly predictable without insider information, and if it isn't, wouldn’t that make day trading similar to playing slots at a casino?

Btw, I don’t trade; I just find that about 20% of the things you guys say that I can actually understand are genuinely entertaining to read.


TowelieTrades t1_iyeu8bg wrote

This reminds me of the time I once told Drake in a wheelchair to stand up for himself… sigh


Own_Statistician_427 t1_iydfnji wrote

The comet would rather follow Jupiter then accept that wish 🥺


naive_billing t1_iyds6d1 wrote

shooting star be like: you s*ck at trading bye


theh3l1x t1_iyeiz0r wrote

real men just pour all there money into $BABA


CaptainStonks t1_iyc5f9k wrote

It's been almost 7 days since I've seen this meme. I'm guessing OP has also seen it 50 times before but has the attention span of a gnat and thinks he's being original.


JayRoyalty99 t1_iycj92d wrote

CaptainStonks my ass, I bet you’re really fun at parties.


CaptainStonks t1_iycootd wrote

I stand in the corner thinking to myself the people dancing and having a good time dont know the market is about to crash.