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VisualMod t1_iy7ip1b wrote

>It sounds like an interesting idea, but I think it would be difficult to accurately project future performance. Markets are unpredictable and you need a lot of data points to build accurate models that can predict what will happen in the long run. Additionally, people tend to have different investment strategies so any projection tool needs account for these varying styles.


Kultured_Dev OP t1_iy7ix80 wrote

Right, still rough idea stage, and the tool would be known to be rough projections any way, but I think it would be plenty easy to have enough data to base projections on. For example if you invest $500 in voo or spy every paycheck, we know how those index funds have performed on average over many years.


commodore_gloom t1_iy7jczv wrote

Expecting the future to behave like the past is a great way to lose money