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VisualMod t1_iy49fr1 wrote

I am pleased to see that my investments are doing well. I continue to believe that GEO is a good investment, and I would recommend buying more contracts at the current price.

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laminatedjesus t1_iy4atjb wrote

I don’t know man. The geo tracker is an suv known to flip easily. Watch out.


TheBlueWhaler t1_iy4dvjn wrote

I'm brand new to Options trading; Correct me if I'm wrong..

OP bought 600 contracts @ $1.13 each so 600 x 1.13 = $678

Then sold said contracts and made $9,000????


4troglodyte t1_iy4j8p5 wrote

That is a beautiful piece of work🙏🏻 Kudos


juxsa t1_iy4mijd wrote

OK! Now just let it go red and you will be a true WSB warrior


HooooooooooW t1_iy4nst0 wrote

Knew people who worked their trash management


HughJass09 t1_iy4t1u0 wrote

Still using the HOOD. That's how I know you are of the utmost regarded status.


External-Lie-8249 t1_iy4x7z3 wrote

If I’m not wrong your calls gonna print 10x. Geo gonna easily double in next one year. Good luck


root_over_ssh t1_iy537yh wrote

Each contract is for 100 shares, but the price listed is per share, so for every 1 contract, the cost is 100x the quoted price. So if you buy 600 contracts at $1.13, it is 600*100*1.13 = 67.8K

The 9k is the price change for today only (so current total value - value as of end day yesterday)

The number at the bottom of the screenshot is the total gain... so the current value of the contracts - what was actually paid (177k-67.8k)


rp2012-blackthisout t1_iy58te5 wrote

dont jerk him off too much guys. these finished down on the day. granted he is still up bigly.


rp2012-blackthisout t1_iy58wpw wrote

buy itm leaps on apple, msft, etc.. sadly with 900 you'd only get 1-2 leaps.

and by leaps I mean the 2025 leaps.

Edit - you aren't getting leaps at those prices. I just looked. Buy a few shares of msft and ride it out.


sliferra t1_iy5cg9l wrote

I hope you sold


Slimskee t1_iy5e5mv wrote

Holding through September must have been terrifying


SpiffyGolf t1_iy5glee wrote

I'm long with GEO and WBD (warner bros discovery)


brunosirera t1_iy5je1w wrote

You mean thankful for Michael burry


JoseArcadi0 t1_iy5l2k5 wrote

I would sell $67000 worth of contracts to recoup the investment and make sure you won’t loose q penny in the transaction, the rest let it go with the flow.


BornIn80 t1_iy5lpde wrote

Long GEO here. It was a play for me because I knew the Democrats were full of shit and I put my money where my mouth is. Up 40% but not selling yet as I believe it will go up more.


wheeler916 t1_iy6396u wrote

Don't let theta and IV kill you while you hold for long term tax treatment. You'll have to figure out which one is more depreciative to your bottom line.


mannahosanna OP t1_iy648nw wrote

The contracts expire in 2024; I'm not worried about theta and implied vol. I'm holding because the stock is still undervalued. The long term capital gain tax rate is an additional benefit for waiting for the stock to realize its fair value.


mitsuki87 t1_iy6as92 wrote

Fuck GEO, for profit prisons I’ve experienced man, fuck just play SPXW and buy other REITs ffs


Unknownirish t1_iy6knm5 wrote

I say OP gives away 10k to each comment in this thread. Deadline ends in 24 hour starting now. Time is: 10pm EST on November 28 2022

Congratulation I didn't realize in the title because it wasn't stated but this was a long term call. Nice and Congratulations.


dannyreh t1_iy769r1 wrote

How did you find this play ? What made you bullish?

Tying to learn how to identify opportunities


Reasonable_Cap_7225 t1_iy7a5dv wrote

Did you get increased value for allowing it to hold so long? (New trader trying to learn)


Whirly315 t1_iy8vnib wrote

no i mean on the company robinhood itself lol sorry i should have specified. ticker HOOD. people shit on them but their balance sheet is actually pretty strong and they were one of the first stocks to get crushed down to a fair valuation. i had my friend im teaching sell the $8 put on HOOD for the jan 20 expiration yesterday and he got like $55 for it… that’s a pretty great return on only $800 of capital


operator7777 t1_iy8x6k8 wrote

Bravo! Congrats, and merry Christmas 🍾🎊, remember to make GEO plates on your p991.


CricketMan1 t1_iy8zgqr wrote

I made a bit off of Geo too. Thanks Mr Burry.


Responsible-Cap-8732 t1_iy90ah6 wrote

Way to kill it with this one! Its still massively short, I don't know who would be short on this still. I have a pretty large position for me and am up 65% and holding because I think its going a lot higher. Bury got the idea for this one from me. Just kidding, but I've been buying since before Bury was invested on this. Good luck to us!


lepsarz t1_iy9jpgw wrote

still holding??


frogelixir t1_iyajh55 wrote

I sold calls @$8.xx months ago bc after they cut div, I was like this shit will never get back to $11. Fortunately, I'm still long a few share to break even. I'm more than happy to let it go. Not too keen on prison industrial complex profiteering.


Thrombi_Yugen t1_iydq53l wrote

I wish I bought more I was newb and afraid lol


AChaosG91 t1_iydrpg7 wrote

Yes indeed. I had an initial Position in it, but sold out of it unfortunately. I have added DUK to my Port though. I do recommend P&G as well for a Hedge against this strange market for a long term Hold, SBux, KO, PEP etc