Submitted by Worried_Cow_1052 t3_z7e6sz in wallstreetbets

Speculating here and call me crazy but with Elon going scorched earth on Apple today, threatening to build his own phone, why isn’t anybody talking about calls for $BB

Even is Elon just mentions blackberry it would be huge publicity, and would likely cause a pump.

Loading lotto calls in June for 6 or 7 bucks is cheap af, worth a shot and likely won’t cost that much

What do you think apes?



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carsonthecarsinogen t1_iy62ou7 wrote

“Let’s buy this stock bc someone might tweet about it 🗿”


Worried_Cow_1052 OP t1_iy62ugw wrote

Speculation trading is a thing you know. Hence the YOLO tag


ariphron t1_iy638pl wrote

Well if him buying black berry goes even remotely close to Twitter he will have your $6 stock at .50c in 3 weeks time.


Strange_Bit8422 t1_iy69n62 wrote

Speculating that a company that doesn’t make phones is going to partner with a company to make phones is pretty stupid.


sgtpepper5987 t1_iy76wvh wrote

This! Haven't they been strictly cyber security for years at this point lol?


Slicklickfstick t1_iy681oj wrote

I think david pontinoy's random stock generator strategy has more DD than this.


hipslol t1_iy6ld9j wrote

Probably but it didn't make me laugh like this one did


felio77 t1_iy6jckj wrote

BB long term bag holder here.


fishy247 t1_iy95qwx wrote

I’m bag holding both BB and NOK. Elon could get a physically indestructible phone and bring back a physical keyboard. He would also get access to IVY and infotainment in cars to cut out Apple.


Kitchen-Square t1_iya7jo5 wrote

People clamoring for that physical keyboard, could mean dozens of sales.


felio77 t1_iy97imq wrote

Forgot to mention I’m also a Nokia bag holder at $5


GoldToofs15 t1_iy65d92 wrote

I agree with this not being the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen for a lotto ticket. I’ll snag 10 of these calls. I’ve spent money on dumber things


Responsible_Diver791 t1_iy7glgr wrote

I joined this group around 2 months ago and I still don't understand many things what are your suggestions regarding where should I start?


BimBamSplikityHam t1_iy8ec4v wrote

Not here. Start somewhere like r/investing or even r/options. Learn about the market as a whole and the companies you want to invest in. Do some research. Then come back in a few weeks and blow your money away with the rest of us!


GoldenAlexander t1_iy63q5s wrote

Honestly I've been waiting for something like this for a while to buy into BB. They're sitting on so many patents.


TomOgir t1_iy6b5fj wrote

Didn't this fall through which is why the onward mobility BB branded phone failed?


jayraft t1_iy6j2j4 wrote

I do not know if that is the case. Please post a source.


Ok_Dragonfruit_3718 t1_iy65imz wrote

I got a "BB is in play" notification from E-trade this morning pre-market if it helps you any. gif


merkarver112 t1_iy6l9hf wrote

Hell thats enough dd for me. Im in


L82WORK_ t1_iy644tl wrote

the things you guys come up with, is pretty mind boggling


euserc75 t1_iy64mwi wrote

This is an honest regards work


WillTheGreat t1_iy69lk8 wrote

Regards hit peak clarity from the excessive masturbation in their wife's boyfriend's mom's basement.


PAPRHNDS t1_iy64xi2 wrote

$50+ 🍇🚀


[deleted] t1_iy6efyi wrote

Ahh so BB is back on the menu boiis


VisualMod t1_iy62exg wrote

>I think it is worth considering a lotto call option in June for Blackberry. While there may be some downside risk, the potential upside of this strategy could far outweigh any losses incurred. As you mentioned, Elon Musk's endorsement would likely bring additional attention to the stock and drive up its price significantly if he follows through on his plans. It might also create opportunities for other traders who are looking to take advantage of short-term volatility caused by news related events such as these.


69deadlifts t1_iy7ffot wrote

Elon is going to tweet: "BB wan sum fk" 100%


Habooboo5 t1_iy64cg0 wrote

Blackberry doesn’t make phones tho


[deleted] t1_iy6ans6 wrote

Definitely not buying into this, but there is some worthwhile logic even without a handset.

BlackBerry already did the ground work on building a QNX phone os. They abandoned it for android at the end, but QNX os existed and was spectacular.

If Elon’s really got a belly to fight Apple and Google, he wouldn’t do it by launching one phone (likely on android in any event). He would need the whole ecosystem - BlackBerry has the privacy, security, and stability cred that’s currently not being used to maximum efficiency.

If Elon still had any credibility/salesmanship left, lending it to BlackBerry probably could haveturned it into that rocket ship to Mars.


SadReception3797 t1_iy6qwcb wrote

The avg volume is 6million share per day, this is easy to squeeze higher


Gwsb1 t1_iy634la wrote

Interesting speculation.


WSBaboon t1_iy66fca wrote

maybe if it goes a bit lower, price doesnt match market cap


stockassasin t1_iy6e36b wrote

i just posted on my twitter that he should do that i live close to research in motion

its filled short apple too


[deleted] t1_iy6o8un wrote

What makes you think he would not fuck BB even more than it is already? If anything ....puts!


Peelboy t1_iy6rz68 wrote

But there would be an initial run, just hop out on that first pump.


[deleted] t1_iy6tqwn wrote

So you are saying I need a good pull out game!


Peelboy t1_iy85g3g wrote

It's hard butt someone has to do it


jtmarlinintern t1_iy7nrt0 wrote

read the room, he cannot afford to buy them, he has so much on his plate, never happen


That-Whereas3367 t1_iy86pbn wrote

The phone - if ever sold - will just be a cheap Chinese OEM AOSP (Android with no Google apps) and a different app store. The cost of doing this is negligible.


That-Whereas3367 t1_iy8dvdc wrote

BB is no longer involved in phones. Their core business is selling QNX software for automotive and industrial purposes.


endthefed2022 t1_iybsk6d wrote

Plausible, bb shelved their revival phone this year. Was supposed to launch next year, im sure there are some bones to it


couriousdroide80 t1_iy76eh5 wrote

The Blackberry mobile phone brand was sold to chinese company TCL along with the whole hardware branch years ago. So there is nothing to buy really except their security software which also seems obsolete. If he d go with purchasing Nokia (HMD) could be a candidate.


Tonka111 t1_iy63nat wrote

Elon is skint.


[deleted] t1_iy6749v wrote



Worried_Cow_1052 OP t1_iy67nnb wrote

He cares about money, and this would make him a shit ton of money. Politics aside it makes sense with starlink, in the future delivering internet straight from star link into his own phones. Blackberry has the patents, it’s a long shot but definitely worth taking a look at. Politics aside though come on man


twarr1 t1_iy681u5 wrote

I deleted my comment because it was more Elon bashing than discussion of a possible BB play.


shadowfx23 t1_iy6qrfj wrote

BB has licensed everything blackberry phone related to another company last I remember


NW_Soil_Alchemy t1_iy7dr5m wrote

Sounds like some Elon cucks going to lose some more money.


Shortsqueezepleasee t1_iy7fplf wrote

I understand this thesis. I want to believe in the play but I don’t. He just bought twitter. No way he buys blackberry. I understand that he doesn’t need to buy it, just say he will. But I don’t think he will say that he will.

If he hadn’t recently got into Twitter, I’d go in on this. At least for fun


Stockguy111 t1_iy7o1wo wrote

Elon isn’t going to hurt apple, china is


Antique-Flight-5358 t1_iy7v56h wrote

This is genius...not add some new blockchain tech like IOTA and BOOM


XJcon t1_iy8rmhb wrote

What could go wrong? It's almost back to the ATL again.


dnt203 t1_iy8xhc7 wrote

Come get me at 11€/pcs


EquivalentDay8918 t1_iy98tjl wrote

He should just buy BB and turn it into a Tesla Phone


Kitten_Team_Six t1_iy9t0jm wrote

A few posts back today some dude just dumped 100 large into BB calls. Maybe you two can be buddies


lovethefrog t1_iycs379 wrote

The reason why this seems unlikely is that it is too obvious - when have I ever been this lucky? Elon lost tons of money already - can he really go shopping again? It's totally worth the gamble though


Teeheeleelee t1_iy6az26 wrote

Wait BB is still in business?


Peelboy t1_iy6rvro wrote

You must be very new around here...


Cautious_Rutabaga328 t1_iy6bslf wrote

I mean, what makes BB any more likely as his revived phone of choice over any of the old brands? Nokia could also be a choice and is trading at $4.70 and personally, if he came out and said he would be doing a modernised 3210, every Millenial to Boomer would buy it just for the nostalgia (and to see if we could throw it and it not break, like the old days).


GuhgaChad t1_iy6ey2n wrote

Find me one person still using a blackberry and I’ll support your thesis


Skoapy t1_iy810cq wrote

I still have an operational blackberry key2 I'm typing on 👍


Klikoos93 t1_iy6zoqy wrote

Why BlackBerry and not HTC or Nokia?

Side note: check out Motorola, their stock is insanely high right now, time to short that one?


jackoirl t1_iy82bro wrote

BB’s value is no longer in phones.


p00pTy t1_iy96dnp wrote

sounds like a quick way to score an anti-trust lawsuit for owning a monopoly on vehicle hardware and data.


SadReception3797 t1_iy6qnh5 wrote

Elon buying up shares of Blackberry, can take control of the company and fix it. He’s doing now with twitter and can do the same with BlackBerry. It’s easier to folic a company then to create one from scratch.


Wrathb0ne t1_iy6aj1v wrote

BB got rid of most of their phone patents on a recent sale last year. They haven’t been focusing on phones for years


Wespinforbro t1_iy6gf6o wrote

just let it go boss, BB aint coming back
