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ShroomingMantis t1_iyey85r wrote

Reply to comment by JDmexican_92 in $20k to $300 by JDmexican_92

Ya betting on Fundemental catalyst events is one of your highest risk scenarios if you aren't capping your risk tight, arbitrarily, increasing the chance of taking that loss by alot.

My advice, homie, is to hop in a simulator while you save money, and practice building a legit system that protects your capital and still offers upside.

Ik it's gonna take a long time to fully process the losses, but don't beat yourself up. Its a common mistake that good traders can make when they aren't fully aware. Most ppl who short, learn this lesson this exact way, its just a matter of how much you pay up.

Good luck dude, don't give up on yourself, no matter what.